Ceol Rince na hÉireann
Index of Tunes
This index contains all the tune names given in the five volumes of Ceol Rince na hÉireann. All the names cited as belonging with the tunes printed in the books are shown below, divided into the various tune types. Names of tunes, songs, etc., cited only in reference to the tunes in the books are shown separately in the Appendix. For example, if tune A is printed in one of the CRÉ volumes, with B as an alternative title, and C is mentioned in the text note as a distinct relative - then A and B will appear in the index below, and C will be in the Appendix.
To make the index easier to use, tune names have been classed as primary and secondary. The "primary name" is the Irish name which appears over the tune in the book and the English form thereof; in the majority of cases, the Irish form is Breathnach's translation of the English. In a very few cases, the name by which, in the writer's experience, the tune is better known has been added as another "primary" name (e.g., O'Dowd's No. 9 as well as Summer in Ireland). In the case of tunes which are "gan ainm" (untitled) in the books and for which a name has been found, this name is shown as the primary name; where more than one name has been found for a "gan ainm" tune, the writer's experience has again been used to decide the primary name.
The primary name of each tune is shown in standard type in Irish and English. Where two or more tunes have the same primary name they are differentiated by numerals in square brackets, e.g., "The Geese in the Bog [1]" and "The Geese in the Bog [2]". In these cases the numeral does not, of course, form part of the tune name. In a few instances Breathnach himself has distinguished between two tunes with the same primary name (in the same book) by referring to them as (a) and (b), or (i) and (ii); this usage has been retained.
"Secondary" names are all the additional names Breathnach gives for each tune, as well as any other relevant names which have come up in the course of researching the tunes. The latter include Scottish names, some of which are fact the original names of the tunes in question; but in deference to current Irish usage they are classed here as secondary names (unless of course the Scottish name is the usual name). Secondary names also include translations of the primary Irish name where this is not the primary English name (e.g., the first tune in CRÉ 1 is Cailleach an Túirne, which translates as The Hag of the Spinning Wheel, while the usual name in English is The Maid of the Spinning Wheel - in this case Cailleach... and Maid... are treated as primary titles, while Hag... is a secondary title).
Secondary names are shown in italics, and the line is indented. Secondary tune names are not differentiated by numerals; thus, where two or more tunes are referred to under a secondary (italicised) title, this does not necessarily mean that the tunes are the same or even related.
Primary or secondary tune names marked with an asterisk are not in the original text and have been supplied by the writer.
This classification of primary and secondary names is largely for convenience and for ease in using the index. While certainly not arbitrary, it should not be interpreted as a rigid hierarchy of "correct" and "less correct" names.
Personal names are generally listed under both surname and first name, unless this would clearly be unnecessary; thus, "Denis Murphy's Slide" is listed under "D" and "M", while "Jenny Lind's Polka" is only under "J". Also, since the "O'" surname prefix is sometimes dropped in informal usage, names with such a prefix are (again, generally) listed under "O" and under the following letter; thus, "Micky O'Callaghan's" is listed under "M", "O" and "C".
The Appendix contains the names of any other melodies mentioned in the text notes. While these are related in one way or another to the tunes in the books, their names are not applicable to the tunes themselves, and thus it has seemed appropriate to list them separately.
In arranging the word order, the lenition or séimhiú (formerly a dot over the affected letter, in current usage a following "h") has been ignored: thus, bean ("woman") is adjacent to bhean, an ("woman, the"), the latter being here written b[h]ean, an for the purpose of clarity.
Index of Tunes
Double Jigs |
Abair Léi go bhFuil Mé III 33
Absent-minded Man, The III 19
Ag Dul chuig na Rásaí II 20
Aherlow Jig, The III 15
Aineen's Double I 29
Airgid Réalach I 39
Alexander's March V 5
Alexander's - the New Way V 6
All Alive I 53
Allistrum's March V 5
Along with the Girls I'd like to be II 27
A' dtiocfaidh tú abhaile liom? II 8
Angry Peeler, The I 3
Anthony Frawley's Jig II 9
Aoibhneas an tSaighdiúra V 11
Aoibhneas Laura IV 28
Apples in Winter II 7, II 22, II 33, V 53
Ard an Bhóthair I 18
Are you shot? III 32
Arthur McBride I 13
(O,) as I was Kissed Yestreen III 19
Athair Jack Walsh, An t- V 12
Away to the Bogs I 14
Bacach na Cleithe I 29
Bád Chill Dalua V 47
Bád go Béal Feirste, An IV 2
Bag of Meal, The I 38
Ballaí Lios Chearbhaill I 10
Bally Keal Jig, The III 6
Balún Mór Chonchúir Mhic Cruitín III 22
Banard Jig, The V 42
Banish Misfortune I 38
Banish Misfortune I 29
Bank of Ireland, The I 22
*Banks of Allan V 23
Banks of Newfoundland, The I 8
*Banks of the Shannon, The II 5
Banríon na Luachra I 31
Barr na Feirste II 29
Basket of Eggs, The II 12
Basket of Turf, The II 52, V 18
Bath Medley V 22
Battering Ram, The I 31
B[h]ean Níocháin Éireannach, An II 19
Behind the Haystack II 29
(Pat) Beirne's Favourite II 24
Belfast Boat, The IV 2
Bemthe goal II 49
Big Barney's Jig IV 7
Big Jig, The II 19
Bill Harte's Jig II 39
*Bill the Weaver's Jig I 54
Billy Barlow I 53
Billy McCormick's Jig III 7
Billy Patterson('s Favourite) III 5
Bímíd ag ól is ag pógadh na mBan* I 17
Bímid ag Ól II 49
Bímis ag Ól V 56
Black Stripper, The I 13
Blackthorn Stick, The [1] I 13
Blackthorn Stick, The [2] III 5
B[h]láthach Mhuimhneach, An II 29
Bláthanna an Earraigh II 31
Bloody oul' hag, is it tay you want? II 27
Bobbing for Eels I 19
Bobby Casey's Jig III 16
Bob Thompson's Favourite II 53, IV 22
Boc sa gCoill, An I 15
Bog of Allen, The V 23
Bog of Allen, The II 27
Bonny Highlander, The II 10
Boring the Leather I 6
Bóthar an Chóiste go Sligeach III 5
Bóthar Dian, An V 41
Bóthar Mór go Sligeach, An I 33
Bottle of Brandy, The II 10
Bottle of Claret, The I 19
Bottle of Punch, The I 19
Bounce upon Bess II 17
Boys from Carrickroe, The I 20
Boys of Ballyscally, The IV 19
*Boys of Bockhill III 5
Boys of Clones II 27
Boys of Rockhill III 5
Boys of Thomastown, The I 14
(Paddy) Breen's Jig III 1
Broken Lantern, The V 45
Brosnahan's Frolics IV 27
Bruacha na Sionna II 5
Bruacha Thalamh an Éisc I 8
Buachaill atá in ann é a Dhéanamh, An V 36
Buachaillí Bhaile Mhic Anndáin I 14
Buachaillí Bhaile Uí Scalaigh IV 19
Buachaillín Bán, An I 20
Buachaillín Buí, An I 27
Buck in the Wood, The I 15
Bucky Highlander, The II 10
Bully for you II 10
Bundle and Go II 52
Butchers of Bristol, The I 19
Butchers' March (Jig), The II 21, II 27
Buttermilk Mary II 24
By your leave, Larry Grogan I 4
Caffler's Courtship, The I 14
Cailín an Tí Mhóir II 40
Cailín an Túirne I 1
Cailín a' Tuirna I 1
Cailín Deas Donn, An II 14
Cailín na Leathchorónach III 15
Cailleach an Airgid I 41
Cailleach an Túirne I 1
C[h]ailleach is a Ceag ar a Gualainn, An II 36
Caiptín Sultmhar, An V 55
Calendar, The II 32
Camchuairt Mhic Shiacais V 9
Caoirigh ar na Sléibhte, Na II 41
Capaillín Langstern II 46
Carawath Jig II 12
Carraig an tSoip I 3
(Bobby or Scully) Casey's Jig III 16
Castle Jig, The II 35
Castle, The V 18
Castle Street Jig, The I 13
Cathaoir an Phíobaire I 9
Catholic Boy, The I 9
Catholic Boys, The III 5
C[h]éad Phunnann, An III 2
Ceoltóir Fánach, An I 36
Cherry Grove, The I 29
Church Hill, The II 54
C[h]leith Buí, An II 26
Cliabh Móna, An II 52, V 18
Cnocán an Teampaill II 54
Cnoc na nGaibhne III 29
Coachroad to Sligo, The III 5
Coen's Favourite V 12
Coffee and Tea I 29, V 47
Cóiste Fostaithe Mhic Shiacais IV 26
(Willie) Coleman's Jig III 11
Coleman's Jig III 34
Come all you good fellows II 17
Come along with me III 24
Come from the Devil and shake yourself III 27
Come in the evening I 27
Come with me now I 6
Cone's Favourite V 12
Connaughtman, The I 6
Connie O'Connell's Jig III 15
Connie the Soldier I 29
Cook in the Kitchen, The I 3
Coppers and Brass I 4
Coravat Jig, The II 53, IV 22
Cordal Jig, The II 50
Cornelius Curtin's Big Balloon III 22
Corraigh an Chuilt V 53
Cóta Beag Bán, An V 51
County Limerick Buckhunt, The I 4
(Tommy) Cowley's Jig III 3
Crabs in the Greasepot IV 3
Cronin's Favourite V 43
Crú Capaill, An I 52
Dance light for my heart lies under your feet II 49
Dandy Scholar, The I 36
Daniel of the Sun II 10
Dan the Cobbler II 36
Day after the Fair, The I 53
Dé bheatha ad' shláinte, Uí Shúilleabháin Mhóir II 12
Delaney's Jig I 45
(Joe) Derrane's Jig III 25
Did you see my man looking for me? I 21
Disconsolate Buck, The II 52
Dónall na Gréine II 10
(Henry) Doogan's Jig II 37
*Dooney Rock III 4
Down the Back Lane I 6
Drimcong I 26
Drive the Cat from under the Table II 49
Droim Chonga I 26
*Drover's Lads, The II 16
Drunken Gauger, The I 3
Ducks and the Oats, The III 32
Ducks in the Oats, The V 58
Dúthracht, An III 14
Eagle's Nest, The III 5
Eanach Dhúin V 49
*Éireann go Brách II 42
Eitilt na Lachan Fiáine IV 12
(Paddy) Fahey's Jig [1] II 4
(Paddy) Fahey's Jig [2] V 7
Fahy's Jig III 24
Fáilte roimh Ó Conaill go Baile Átha Cliath II 35
Fáinne Óir Ort I 47
Fair-haired Boy, The I 20
Fánaí, An III 31
Fanning's Jig V 37
Farrell's Pipes II 46
Father Hanley's Jig III 31
Father Jack Walsh V 12
Father Morrison's Delight II 35
Féilire, An II 32
Fiach an Mhada Rua III 19
Filleadh na Deirféar V 19
Finger the Shift II 32
Fire in the Valley III 5
Fire on [in] the Mountain III 5
First Sheaf, The III 2
Fishing for Eels I 19
F[h]liúit Eabhair, An IV 25
Flowers of Spring, The II 31
Fond of the Ladies II 24
Fourpenny Girl, The II 46
Foxy Mary II 49
(Anthony) Frawley's Jig II 9
Freheen Jig, The I 20
Frolicksome dame, The II 24
Fruit for Ladies II 7, II 22
F[h]uiseog ar an Trá, An I 7
Gallane Jig, The II 18
Gallóglach, An III 21
Galloway Tom I 27
Gallowglass, The III 21
Galway Tom I 27
Galway Town I 27
Gandal i bPoll na bhFataí, An I 30
Gander in the Pratie Hole, The I 30
*(James) Gannon's III 10
G[h]aoth Aniar Andeas, An I 29
Garrett Barry I 46
Geabha sa bPortach, Na [1] I 28
Geabha sa bPortach, Na [2] II 53
Gearóid de Barra I 46
Gearrchaile Bhaile Uí bhFiacháin I 42
Geese in the Bog, The [1] I 28
Geese in the Bog, The [2] II 53, IV 22
General White's Jig II 33, V 53
Gillan's Apples II 7, II 22
Gillinadrouar II 10, II 16
*Gillan an Drover II 16
Giorria San Arbhar, An III 19
Girl of the (Big) House, The II 40
Girls for Sale V 27
Glas agus an Buí, An II 25
Gleanntán na Samhaircíní I 5
Goat's Horn, The I 27
Gold Ring, The I 47
Go to the Devil and shake yourself III 27
Green Goose Fair II 12
Green Meadow, The II 53, IV 22
Green Sleeves I 4
G[h]rian ag Dul Faoi, An V 48
Groom I 19
Gullane Jig, The II 18
Gúna Nua, An V 25
Hag of the Spinning Wheel, The I 1
*Hag in the Churn, The II 43
Hag's Purse, The I 34
Hag with her Keg on her Shoulder, The II 36
Hag with the Money, The I 41
Happy Mistake, The IV 8
Happy to meet (and Sorry to Part) II 28, IV 18
Hard Road, The V 41
Hare in the Corn[er],The III 19
Hare on the Mountain, The III 5
(Bill) Harte's Jig II 39
Hartigan's Fancy I 4
Haste to the Wedding II 19
(Matt) Hayes's V 28
Hazel Stick, The II 13
Health to the Ladies, A II 24
Heart of my Kitty, The II 36
Heart of my Kitty still warms to me, The II 36
Henry Doogan's Jig II 37
High Jig, The II 34
High Part of the Road, The I 18
Hills of Glenorchy, The III 26
His Home and Country I 53
Horse Shoe, The I 52
House in the Corner, The III 19
Housekeeper, The II 40
Huish the Cat II 49
Humours of Ayle House I 6
Humours of Ballyloughlin, The I 32
Humours of Bantry, The III 5
Humours of Castleoliver I 12
Humours of Dingle, The I 49
Humours of Drinagh, The II 2
Humours of Ennistymon, The I 4
Humours of Glin, The IV 22
Humours of Kesh, The I 2, III 17
Humours of Limerick (Jackson), The II 53, IV 22
Humours of Miltown, The I 4
Humours of Mullinafauna, The I 38
Humours of Multyfarnham, The I 43
Humours of Parteen [or Purteen], The II 49
Humours of Ross, The II 47
Humours of Strand Road, The IV 17
Hunt of the Hound and the Hare, The III 19
Hurlers' March, The I 32
I Court the Fair Maidens I 17
Idle Road, The II 50
I know not whether to laugh or cry I 53
I'm a man in myself like Oliver's Bull II 36
I ne'er shall wean her II 30
Íoc an Reicneáil I 19
Irishman's Heart to the Ladies, An II 24
Irishman's Love, An II 24
Irish Newsman, The III 27
Irish Washerwoman, The II 19
Irishwoman, The II 19
Is Fearr Paidir ná Port V 2
Is Olc an Ghaoth nach Séideann do Dhuine Éigin IV 14
It is an Ill Wind that Blows Nobody Good IV 14
Ivory Flute, The IV 25
I was born for Sport I 41
I would not give my Irish Wife I 53
Jackson's Babes IV 10
Jackson's Bottle of Brandy I 19
Jackson's Bottle of Punch I 19
*Jackson's Bouner Bougher II 50
Jackson's Coola II 53, IV 22
Jackson's Dasey III 33
Jackson's Delight II 19
Jackson's Growling Cat II 7, II 22
Jackson's Humours of Panteen II 49
Jackson's Jig I 2, III 17
Jackson's Morning Breeze V 27
Jackson's Jug of Punch I 19
Jackson's Post-Chaise IV 26
Jackson's Rambles V 9
Jackson's Trip [or Walk] to Limerick II 53, IV 22
Jackson's Wallop the Spot V 24
*James Gannon's III 10
James McMahon's Jig IV 16
Jemmie the Gom II 28
Jimmy the Tailor I 29
Jimmy Ward's Jig III 2
Joe Derrane's Jig III 25
Joe Kennedy's Jig V 53
John Joe's Jig III 23
John Mahinney's No. 1 III 23
John Mahinney's No. 2 V 58
Jolly Corkonian, The III 26
Katy is Waiting V 53
Kelly's Jig I 11
Kelso Races, The I 27
Kennedy's Jig II 33, V 53
(Joe) Kennedy's Jig V 53
Kilfinane Jig, The I 6
Kilkenny Jig, The III 18
Kilkenny Jig, The I 13
Killaloe Boat, The V 47
*Killavil Jig, The I 51
Killimer [Killimor] Jig I 11
King of Jigs, The IV 8
King of the Pipers, The II 45
King of the Pipes, The III 35
Kissing and Drinking II 17
Kiss me, Darling I 1
Kitchen with no food, The II 38
Kitty's Rambles (to Youghal) II 36
Kitty the Rag, I'm in love with you II 54
Knocknagow III 29
*Knocknagow No. 2 III 30
Lachain sa Choirce, Na V 58
Ladies' Fancy, The I 46, II 26
Ladies' Triumph, The II 36
Ladies' Walking Stick, the II 26
Lad that Can Do It, The V 36
Lá i ndiaidh an Aonaigh, An I 53
Lá na Báistí V 50
Lána Rosemary III 9
Langstern [or Lanstrum or Lanxtrum] Pony II 46
Lannamacree IV 10
Lark in the Morning, The I 27
Lark on the Strand, The I 7
Lark on the Strand, The I 5, I 26
Larry Grogan I 4, I 19
Larry O Lashem II 17
Lasses of Limerick I 12
Lasses of Melross I 4
Lass from Collegeland, The II 52
Last of the Lot, The I 20
Lastrum Pone II 46
Laura's Delight IV 28
Leag an Táilliúir IV 13
Leahy's Jig II 44
Leanbh mo Chroí IV 10
Leg of the Duck, The II 10
Leitrim Fancy, The I 48
Leitrim Jig, The I 12
Leoithne Mhaidine Mhic Shiacais V 27
Let us be Drinking [1] II 49
Let us be Drinking [2] V 56
Let us be Drinking I 17
Lilting Banshee, The V 47
Lilting Fisherman, The III 25
Linehan's Rambles II 36
Linn's Favourite I 4
Little Bag of Meal, The I 38
Little Fanny's Fancy I 4
Little House around the Corner, The III 19
Little White Coat, The V 51
Little Yellow Boy, The I 27
Lóchrann Briste, An V 45
Longford Jig, The II 7, II 22
Lostrum Ponia II 46
Luck Penny, The III 14
Lucy McKenna I 25
Luighseach Nic Cionnaith I 25
Lumps of Pudding III 21
Lynn's Favourite I 4
Madcap, The I 39
Maid at the Well, The I 13
Maide Coill, An II 13
Maide Draighin, An I 13
Maid of the Spinning Wheel, The I 1
Maids of Glenroe, The I 13
Maids of Tramore, The I 23
Maid on the Green, The III 5
Máire an Phórtair I 1
Máire Ní Eidhinn I 38
Máirín Buggerty II 14
Máirseáil Alasdroim V 5
Máirseáil Alasdroim - an leagan Nua V 6
Máirseáil na mBúistéirí II 21, II 27
Máirseál na nIománaithe I 32
Matt Hayes's V 28
Maulykeavane Jig, The V 35
Meascra Bath V 22
Merry Old Woman, The I 10
Milkmaid, The I 13
Miller of Glanmire, The V 47
Misfortunate Rake, The II 33, V 53
Miss Monroe IV 8
Moate Hunt, The III 11
Móin Almhaine V 23
Móinín Jig, The II 24
Molly's Favourite I 15
Monk's Jig, The I 21
Montrosse's March II 12
Money I want, The III 15
*Morgan Rattler II 50
Morrison's Jig I 50
Mórtas Shliabh Eachtaí V 17
Mountain Lark, The II 53, IV 22
Mountain Road, The II 24
Mountainy Boy, The II 24
Mouse in the Cupboard, The I 10, V 26
Mrs. Ross's Jig IV 15
Mrs. Spens Monroe IV 8
M[h]uc ó Áth Eascrach, An II 37
Munster Buttermilk [1] I 43
Munster Buttermilk [2] II 29
Munster Gimlet, The I 12
Munster Seanchaí I 54
Murray's Maggot II 36
My Brother Tom I 41
My Love in the Morning II 28
My Name is O'Sullivan I 17
My Pretty Fair Maid II 14
(Billy) McCormick's Jig III 7
(James) McMahon's Jig IV 16
Nancy Hines I 38
Neil Gow's Lament for his Brother III 21
Nelly's Jig II 10
New Frock, The V 25
Newport Lass, The I 42
New Tenpenny, The III 32
Next Sunday is my Wedding Day II 33, V 53
Ní Choiscfidh mé choíche den Deol í II 30
*Nightingale, The III 26
Noonday Feast, The I 23
Nóra Chríonna V 8
Nora Chreena V 8
Norah with the Purse I 1
Norickystie I 1
Nova Scotia V 17
O, as I was Kissed Yestreen III 19
(Paddy) O'Brien's Jig V 43
(Connie) O'Connell's Jig III 15
O'Connell's Welcome to Dublin II 35
Off to the Races II 20
Old Gold Ring, The I 47
Old John's Jig I 22
Old Man's Jig, The I 19
Old Nora V 8
Old Tipperary I 16, II 23
Old Woman's Purse of Money I 34
Ollistrum Jig V 5
O'Mahony's Jig II 24
O my dear Father, pity your daughter II 10
O my dear Judy II 10
Onehorned Cow, The II 12
*One-legged Man, The III 27
Orange and Green, The II 25
O'Sullivan's March II 12
Out all Night I 15
Over the Callows II 24
Paddy Breen's Jig III 1
Paddy Fahey's Jig [1] II 4
Paddy Fahey's Jig [2] V 7
Paddy O'Brien's Jig V 43
Paddy [or Paudeen] O'Rafferty II 11
Paddy O'Rafferty with Variations V 14
Paddy Stack's Fancy Jig I 50
*Paddy's the Boy I 4
Paddy's Trip From Dublin II 17
*Paddy Taylor's II 1, 56
*Paddy Taylor's II 5
Pádraig Mac Giollarnáth I 44
Páidín Ó Raifeartaigh II 11, V 14
Páinneach na nUbh II 12
Parson in his Boots, The II 17
Pat Beirne's Favourite II 24
Paudeen [or Paddy] O'Rafferty II 11, V 14
Pay the Reckoning I 19
Peas on the Hearth II 49
Penniless Traveller, The III 27
Pig from Ahascragh, The II 37
Pingneacha Rua agus Prás I 4
Píobaire Caoch, An II 33, V 53
Píopa ar an mBaic, An I 40
Píosa Deich bPingne, An [1] I 24
Píosa Deich bPingne, An [2] III 32
Pipe on the Hob, The I 40
Piper's Chair, The I 9
Piper's Frolic, The II 53, IV 22
Pis ar an Iarta II 49
Pléaraca an Rosa II 47
Pléaraca Dhraighní II 2
Pléaraca na Céise I 2, III 17
Pónaí Bán, An V 16
Portáin sa Ghréiscphota, Na IV 3
Port an Aird Bháin V 42
Port an Bhaile Chaoil III 6
Port an Bhráthar I 21
Port an Fhathaigh III 24
Port an Fhionnánaigh V 37
Port an Ghalláin II 18
Port an Riagánaigh I 35
Port an tSagairt IV 18
Port Antoine Uí Fhreaghaile II 9
Port an Túir Mhóir V 52
Port Ard, An II 34
Port Bhean de Ros IV 15
Port Bhriain Mhóir IV 7
Port Chill Chainnigh III 18
Port Jimmy Mhic an Bhaird III 2
Port Liadroma I 12
Port Liam Mhic Cormaic III 7
Port Liam Uí Airt II 39
Port Liam Uí Cholmáin III 11
Port Mhait Hayes V 28
Port Mhic Eoin III 17
Port Mholl Uí Chíobháin V 35
Port na Cordaile II 50
Port Pháidí Uí Bhraoin III 1
Port Phádraig Uí Fhathaigh [1] II 4
Port Pháidí Uí Fhathaigh [2] V 7
Port Sheáin tSeosaimh III 23
Port Sheáin Uí Riain III 4
Port Shéamais Mhic Mhathúna IV 16
Port Shean tSeáin I 22
Port Sheosaimh Uí Dhearáin III 25
Port Shligigh I 51
Port Thaidhgín an Asail II 38
Port Thomáis Mhic Amhlaí III 3
Port Tíneatha I 45
Port Tom Billy II 48, III 13
Port Uí Cheallaigh I 11
Port Uí Fhaoláin I 49
Port Uí Laochdha II 44
Port Uí Mhuirgheasa I 50
Port Uí Thomhnra III 20
Prayer is better than a tune, A V 2
Pretender's March, The II 12
Pretty Brown Girl, The II 14
Pretty Fair Maid, The II 14
Pride of Slieve Aughty, The V 17
Priest and [in] his Boots, The II 17, III 8
Priest's Jig, The IV 18
Primrose Glen, The I 5
Pull the Knife and Stick it again III 12
Queen of the Rushes, The I 31
Queenstown Jig, The II 24
Quinn's Jig III 15
Rainy Day, The V 50
Rakes of Newcastle West, The I 10
Rambler, The III 31
Rambles of Kitty, The II 36
Rattle the Quilt (to Pieces) II 33, V 53
Regan's Jig I 35
Réice an Mhí-ádha II 33, V 53
Repeal of the Union I 10
Retreat, The II 12
Ríméad ar Chastáil II 28
Rí na bPíob III 35
Rí na bPíobairí II 45
Rí na bPort IV 8
Rise the Grouse II 7, II 22
Road to Lurgan, The I 1
Rock and a wee pickle tow, A II 12
Rogha Liadroma I 48
Rogha Pheait Uí Bheirn II 24
Rogha Uí Chróinín V 43
Rollicking Skipper, The V 55
Rookery, The I 49
Round the Cart House I 38
Rouse the Grouse II 7, II 22
Rose in Full Bloom, The IV 10
Rose in the Heather, The I 37
Rosemary Lane III 9
Rose on the Mountain, The III 5
Rós sa bhFraoch, An I 37
Rothaí an Domhain III 34
Round the Cart House I 38
Royal Irish Jig, The III 19
Ruaig an Mí-ádh I 38
Ryan's Favourite V 47
(Seán) Ryan's Jig III 4
Ryan's Travels III 15
Saddle the Pony II 46
Sagart na mBuataisí II 17, III 8
Scaip an Puiteach I 23
Scatter the Mud I 23
Scotch March, The II 12
Scully Casey's Jig III 16
Seanchaí Muimhneach, An I 54
Seán Ryan's Jig III 4
Sean-Tiobrad Árann I 16, II 23
Sergeant Early's Jig I 46
Setting Sun, The V 48
Shamrock, The II 33, V 53
Sheep on the Mountains, The II 41
She is the girl that can do it II 10
*Shoemaker's Fancy, The II 6
Shoemaker's Fancy, The I 6
Siamsa Mhuilte Farannáin I 43
Sister's Return V 19
Sixpenny Money I 39
Sléibhte Chill Mhantáin V 4
Sliabh Russell III 28
Sligo Jig, The I 51
Sméid i Leataobh Í IV 21
Smólach sa Sceach, An V 13
Soldier's Joy, The V 11
Sonny Dan II 10
South West Wind, The I 29
Sorry to part II 28
Sparán Airgid na Caillí I 34
Spirits of Whiskey, The III 15
Sports of Multyfarnham, The I 43
Spotted Cow, The I 27
Spot the Wallop V 24
Squeeze your Thigh[t]s II 29
Squint-eyed Piper. The II 33, V 53
Stack the Rags I 12
*Stick across the Hob, The I 50
Strop the Razor II 36
Suirighe an Áilteora I 14
Sunday is my Wedding Day II 33, V 53
*Swallows in Flight V 23
Sweet Biddy Daly II 24
Tabhair Leadradh don Spota V 24
Tadeen the Donkey [or the Fiddler]'s Jig II 38
Tae ab'ea a Theastaíonn is Tú Tinn? III 27
Take her or leave her II 29
Tarraing agus Sáith Arís III 12
Tar Road to Sligo, The I 33
Tart ar an ól II 47
Tatter Jack Walsh [or Welsh] V 12
*(Paddy) Taylor's II 1, 56
*(Paddy) Taylor's II 5
Teddy you Gander II 10
Tell her I am III 33
Tenpenny Bit, The [1] I 24
Tenpenny Bit, The [2] III 32
There are sounds of Mirth II 17
There was an Old Woman II 12
(Bob) Thompson's Favourite II 53, IV 22
Three Little Drummers, The III 15
Thrush in the Bush, The V 13
Thrush's Nest, The I 27
Tiocfaidh tú Abhaile liom II 8
Tivoli, The II 17
To Cashell I'm Going V 12
Tolladh an Leathair I 6
Tom Billy's Jig II 48, III 13
Tom Billy's Jig II 31, V 53
Tommy Cowley's Jig III 3
Tonra's Jig III 20
Tony Rowe's Jig III 20
Toormore Jig, The V 52
To the Ladies II 24
Triall Mhic Shiacais ar Luimneach IV 22
Trip to Athlone, A I 42
Trip to Galway, A V 40
*Trip to Killavil, The I 51
Tuhy's Frolic II 53, IV 22
Túirín Garbh, An V 44
Tumble the Tailor IV 13
Tune the Fiddle I 46
Turas go Gaillimh V 40
Tureengarbh V 44
Twice Tricked II 53, IV 22
Two-and-Sixpenny Girl, The III 15
Tynagh Jig, The I 45
Úllaí Uí Ghiolláin II 7, II 22
Unfortunate Rake, The II 33, V 53
Unfortunate Rake, The II 52, V 18,V 53
Wake Jig, The II 28
Wallop the Spot V 24
Walls of Enniscorthy, The I 10
Walls of Liscarroll, The I 10
Wandering Minstrel, The I 36
(Jimmy) Ward's Jig III 2
Washerwoman [or Washing or Wash Woman], The II 19
Waves of Tramore, The I 4
Wee Wee Man, The II 52
Welcome, The I 27
Welcome home, royal Charlie III 5
Western Jig, The II 10
Western Lilt, A I 27
Whack at the Whigs, A I 12
Wheels of the World, The III 34
Wheels of the World, The I 53
Whelan's Jig I 49
When sick is it tea you want? III 27
When the wind blows II 12
When you go Home I 6
Whip the Cat from under the Table II 49
White Pony, The V 16
Wicklow Mountains, The V 4
Wicky Sears I 5
Wild Ducks' Flight, The IV 12
Wild Irishman, The I 1
Willie Coleman's Jig III 11
Will you come down to Limerick? I 12
Will you come home with me? II 8
Wink Her Aside IV 21
Wiseman's Favourite II 53, IV 22
Wise Nora V 8
Wollop the Potlid I 10
Yellow Ford, The II 13
Yellow Little Boy, The I 27
Yellow Wattle, The II 26
Young Ettie Lee II 36
You're welcome to Waterford I 53
You will come Home with me II 8
untitled (and unidentified):
II 3, 15, 16, 51.
IV 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 17, 20, 23, 24.
V 1, 3, 10, 15, 20, 21, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 46, 54, 57.
Single Jigs and Slides |
Achréidh Jig, The I 59
Ag Teacht tríd an tSeagal V 77
Aherlow Jig, The II 64
An Síoda atá id Vallait? V 81
*Art O'Keeffe's I 57
Ask my Father I 62
Baile an tSamhraidh II 92, III 39
Bank of Turf, The III 56
Básaítear na Lachain Lá Nollag IV 68
Beacha sa Chrann Silíní, Na IV 58
Bees in the Cherry Tree, The IV 58
Beidh Ríl Againn II 65
B'Fhearr liom a bheith Pósta ná Tréigthe V 78
*Biddy Crowley's Ball I 57
Biddy the Darling V 68
Bidí an Muirnín V 68
Big Bow Wow, The II 68
Billy O'Rourke's the Buachaill II 65
Bog Carrot, The IV 62
Boic Bhaile Átha Cliath IV 53
Bóthar na gCloch IV 65
Bóthar ó thuaidh go dtí Árainn, An II 65
(Mary) Brennan's Favourite I 55
Brístín Mire, An I 61
B[h]rosna, An III 53
Brosna, The III 53
Bucks of Dublin, The IV 53
Búcla Glúine an Híleantóra II 58
Cailín Déirí, An IV 50
Cailín Dubh i bhFeisteas Gorm, An III 50
'C[h]ailleach, do Mhairís Mé IV 62
C[h]ailleach sa Tornóig, An II 88
*(Mickey) (O')Callaghan's [1] II 59
*(Mickey) (O')Callaghan [2] II 71
(Micky) (O')Callaghan's Jig [3] III 51
Callaghan's Slide III 52
Captain Francis Wemyss IV 62
(Scully) Casey's Jig III 38
C[h]earc ar fad is an tAnraith, An II 63
Charming Lovely Nancy II 63
Christmas Night [or Eve] I 60
Cis Ní Liatháin I 58
Ciss Lennon I 58
*(Julia) Clifford's Slide III 50
Coileach Comhraic, An IV 62
Comin' thro' the Rye V 77
(Tom) Connor's Jig II 57
Croith na Piseanna IV 72
Cudreel IV 68
Cuir an Slabhra ar an bPónaí V 73
*Cullen Slide, The II 77
Dairy Maid, The IV 50
Dá mBeadh Bean Agam III 41
*Danny Ab's Slide [1] II 86
Danny Ab's Slide [2] III 45
*Dan O'Keeffe's Slide [1] II 86
Dan O'Keeffe's Slide [2] III 45
*Dan Patsy's Slide II 87
Dark Girl in Blue III 50
Denis Enright's Slide III 48
*Denis Murphy's Slide II 85
Dinny Mescal's Slide III 44
(Micko) Doyle's Jig III 44
Duck Die on Christmas Day, The IV 68
*(Mick) Duggan's Slide II 89
Éilís Ní Cheallaigh I 56
Elizabeth Kelly I 56
(Denis) Enright's Slide III 48
Fáilte roimh Ó Conaill sa bParlaimint II 62
Fiafraigh de m'Athair é I 62
(Rosie) Finn's Favourite V 68
(John) Fleming's Jig II 66
Follow me down to Carlow II 84
Frieze Breeches, The I 61
Game Cock, The IV 62
Ganley's Jig IV 64
(James) Gannon's [Jig] IV 73
*Get Up, Old Woman, and Shake Yourself II 91
Giorria San Arbhar, An III 42
Going to the Well for Water III 54
Green Jerseys IV 60
(Tim) Griffin's Slide III 47
Hare in the Corn, The III 42
Highlander's Kneebuckle, The II 58
Humours of Kilclogher, The I 56
I'd Rather be Married than Left V 78
If I had a wife III 41
*I Found My Love in the Morning I 57
If the Heart of a Man V 78
Is your wallet made of silk? V 81
James Gannon's [Jig] IV 73
John Fleming's Jig II 66
John Kelly's Slide III 47
*Johnny Mick Dinny's I 57
Johnny Micky's Slide III 43
*Julia Clifford's Slide III 50
Kaiser, An (The) III 54
(John) Kelly's Slide III 47
Kerry Jig, The III 36
Kid, The II 76
*Kilcummin Slide, The III 40
*Kiss in the Furze, A II 66
Lean go Ceatharlach síos mé II 84
Leather Buttons II 58
Limerick Jig, The III 49
Long John's Wedding IV 66
Macks, The V 78
Mad Dancing II 70
Maggie Shanley's Slide III 37
(Nellie) Mahony's Slide II 70
Mailí ón Longfort IV 74
Mary Brennan's Favourite I 55
*Meentogues Lad, The II 89
(Dinny) Mescal's Slide III 44
*Mick Duggan's Slide II 89
*Mickey (O')Callaghan's [1] II 59
*Mickey O'Callaghan [2] II 71
Mick(e)y (O')Callaghan's Jig [3] III 51
Mickie Murphy's Jig IV 54
Micko Doyle's Jig III 44
Micko Russell's Slide III 51
Mionnán, An II 76
Mo Ghrása ar Maidin I 57
Molly from Longford IV 74
Money I Want, The II 64
*(Tom) Moran's Fancy II 80
*(Denis) Murphy's Slide II 85
(Mickie) Murphy's Jig IV 54
My Love in the Morning I 57
Nancy wants her own II 63
Native, La V 78
Nellie Mahony's Slide II 70
Night I married Susie, The II 65
*(Mickey) O'Callaghan's [1] II 59
*(Mickey) O'Callaghan [2] II 71
(Micky) O'Callaghan's Jig [3] III 51
O'Connell's Welcome to Parliament II 62
Oíche Nollag I 60
*(Art) O'Keeffe's I 57
*(Dan) O'Keeffe's Slide [1] II 86
(Dan) O'Keeffe's Slide [2] III 45
(Pádraig) O'Keeffe's Favourite III 52
(Pádraig) O'Keeffe's Slide [1] III 46
(Pádraig) O'Keeffe's Slide [2] III 56
*Old Favourite, The II 67
Old Hag in the Kiln, The II 88
Paddy McFadden I 58
Paddy Taylor's II 1, 56
Paddy Taylor's Slide III 55
Pádraig O'Keeffe's Favourite III 53
Pádraig O'Keeffe's Slide [1] III 46
Pádraig O'Keeffe's Slide [2] III 56
Parlús Pheait IV 60
Pat's Parlour IV 60
Patsy Mack III 44
Pat Ward's Jig II 58
Pay the Girl her Fourpence IV 74
Perfect Cure, The (The Long Dance) IV 66
Poor Robin's Maggot V 78
Port an Achréidh I 59
Port Ciarraíoch, An III 36
Port Luimnigh III 49
Port Mhaidhc Uí Cheallacháin III 51
Port Mhicí Uí Mhurchú IV 54
Port Mhig Sheanlaoich IV 64
Port Scolaí Uí Chathasaigh III 38
Port Sheáin Pléamonn II 66
Port Shéamais Mhig Fhionnáin IV 73
Port Taim Uí Chonchúir II 57
Port Uí Chuinn II 64
Put on the Chain on the Pony V 73
Quinn's Jig II 64
Rattle the Peas IV 72
Rogha an Táilliúra III 55
Rogha Mháire Ní Bhraonáin I 55
(Micko) Russell's Slide III 51
Ryan's Travels II 64
Saint Patrick was a Gentleman II 65
Scully Casey's Jig III 38
(Maggie) Shanley's Slide III 37
Sleamhnán Dhinní Uí Mheiscil III 44
Sleamhnán Dhónaill Uí Chaoimh III 45
Sleamhnán Dhonncha Mhic Ionnrachtaigh III 48
Sleamhnán Mháiréad Nic Sheanlaoich III 37
Sleamhnán Phádraig Uí Chaoimh [1] III 46
Sleamhnán Phádraig Uí Chaoimh [2] III 56
Sleamhnán Sheáinín Mhicí III 43
Sleamhnán Sheáin Uí Cheallaigh III 47
Sleamhnán Uí Cheallacháin III 52
Slide Neilí Ní Mhathúna II 70
South Road to Aran, The II 65
Spirits of Whiskey, The II 64
Stony Batter IV 65
Strawberry Blossom, The I 60
*Streamstown, The III 59
Stróic ina Ghiobail É IV 67
Suas agus Síos an Staighre V 70
Suas an Staighre Leat II 73
Tá an Coileach ag Fógairt an Lae II 68
(Paddy) Taylor's II 1, 56
Taylor's Fancy III 55
(Paddy) Taylor's Slide III 55
Tear It to Rags IV 67
Three Little Drummers, The II 64
Tim Griffin's Slide III 47
*Tom Billy's II 60
Tom Connor's Jig II 57
*Tom Moran's Fancy II 80
Trip it upstairs II 73
Two and Sixpenny Girl II 64
Uile-Íoc, An IV 66
*Up and About in the Morning II 74
Up and Down the Stairs V 70
(Pat) Ward's Jig II 58
Western Lasses, The IV 62
When the cock crows it is day II 68
Whole Chicken in the Soup, The II 63
With all my Heart I 62
Would you Court a Young Virgin (of Sixteen Years) V 78
Young Virgin of 15 Years, A V 78
untitled (and unidentified):
II 55, 61, 69, 72, 75, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 90.
IV 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 69, 70, 71.
V 66, 67, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 82, 83.
Single Jigs and Slides |
Ag Trasnáil na Caoile IV 49
*Andrew Carr II 103
Aoibhneas Éilís Ní Cheallaigh I 68
Barney's Goat I 65
Barranna Móra Chlann Donncha II 100
Benny's Jig II 102
B[h]iomlóg, An IV 38
Bob and Joan I 63
Bobbing Joan I 63
Bóthar Carrach go Baile Átha Cliath, An III 58
Bóthar Mór go Baile Átha Cliath, An II 97
Bóthar na gCloch I 63
Boy in the Basket, The II 97
Bridge of Athlone, The II 100
Bunch of Haws, The III 57
Cailíní Phort Láirge IV 32
Cailín na Gruaige Buí II 94
Caith an tSlis Léi IV 43
Campbells are coming, The II 95
Carr Cliathánach do Sheisear IV 48
Cé bheadh sa tine nach n-éireodh? II 107
Cnoic Aiteannach Liadroma I 67
Come under my Dimity II 93
Come Upstairs with me V 59
Críocha na hAlban V 65
Crossing the Channel IV 49
Crossroads Frolic, The II 100
Cuir Barr Air I 69
Deel of the Dance II 100
Dever the Dancer II 100
Dillon's Fancy II 100
Ditherum Doodle II 93
Dochtúir Loinge, An IV 40
Dusty Miller [or Mills], The [1] II 102
Dusty Miller, The [2] V 62
Elizabeth Kelly's Delight I 68
Fáilte don Píobaire II 98
(O) Faith Then I Will, Says the Fiddler IV 42
Fig for a Kiss, A II 101
Follow Her over the Border IV 48
Gáire na mBan II 101
Galway Jig, The II 105
Gearrchaile sa Pharlús, An V 61
Gimblet IV 38
Girls take care how you marry II 98
Girl with the Yellow Hair II 94
Gliogar an Mheadair II 101
Gurgling of the Churn II 101
Gurty's Frolics II 105
Gusty's Frolics II 105
Hawthorn, The III 57
Hey for Stoneybatter I 63
High Road to Dublin, The II 97
*Highway to Kilkenny, The II 106
Huish the cat from under the table II 107
Humours of Bottle Hill, The II 101
Humours of Derry, The II 100
Humours of Derrycrosane I 64
Humours of Whiskey, The [1] I 66
Humours of Whiskey, The [2] II 100
Hush the cat from under the table II 107
I'll take a Glass with a Friend II 93
Irish Frolick, The IV 37
Jaunting Car for Six IV 48
Johnny Loves Molly IV 41
Just at the Height of her Bloom II 98
(Elizabeth) Kelly's Delight I 68
Kid on the Mountain, The II 104
*Kitten, The I 66
Ladies, Step up to Tea! IV 34
Lands of Scotland, The V 65
Lasses of Sligo, The II 95
Lass in the Parlour, The V 61
Last Night's Fun [1] II 107
Last Night's Fun [2] V 64
Late Home at Night I 65
Late on a Saturday Night II 93
Liom Féin Amháin mo Bheansa IV 44
Lus na mBanríon V 62
Mall Rua II 93
M'anam go nDéanfad, arsa an Fidléir IV 42
Milk the Churn II 101
Mionnán ar an Sliabh, An II 104
Miss Brown's Fancy V 60
Miss Brown's Fancy II 107
Moll Roe (in the morning) II 93
Muilleoir faoi Dheannach, An II 102
Munster Jig, The IV 45
Munsterman's Flattery II 93
My Love with the Yellow Locks II 94
My Wife's My Own IV 44
*Night of Fun, The II 101
Night of the Fun, The II 93
Noggin of Cream, The II 98
O Faith Then I Will, Says the Fiddler IV 42
Old Brown Slipper II 99
Old Dutch Churn, The II 101
Old Woman's Consort, The II 98
Óró, a Thaidhg, a Ghrá I 65
Paddy be aisy II 107
Paddy go easy II 107
Paddy now won't you be easy II 107
Peeler Jig, The I 65
Peeler's Return, The II 100
Píosa Deich bPingne, An V 63
Pléaraca an Fuisce [1] I 66
Pléaraca an Fuisce [2] II 100
Pléaraca Dhoire an Chreasáin I 64
Policeman's Return, The II 100
Port na Buaiceála IV 39
Port na Mumhan IV 45
Port Rois IV 30
Portrush IV 30
Promenade (Side-Step) IV 46
Rakes of Drumlish, The IV 47
Réiceanna Dhroim Lis IV 47
Rocky Road (to Dublin), The III 58
Rogha Iníon de Brún V 60
Sceach, An III 57
Scléip na hOíche Aréir V 64
[t]Seamróg, An IV 33
Seanduine Coileáilte, An II 98
Seanslipéirín Donn, An II 99
Seo libh, a Mhná, chun Tae! IV 34
Shamrock, The IV 33
Ship Doctor, The IV 40
Silly Old Man II 98
Skin the Peeler I 65
Sleaschéim an Promenade IV 46
Splashing of the Churn, The II 101
Stoneybatter I 63
Súgradh Aibhistín II 105
Súgradh na hOíche Aréir II 107
Swaggering Jig, The IV 39
Swaggering Jig, The II 98
Táim in Arréir (dTigh an Óil) II 93, II 98
Tá na Caimbéalaigh ag Teacht II 95
Tar Suas Staighre Liom V 59
Tá Seáinín i ngrá le Mailí IV 41
Tenpenny Piece, The V 63
Though late I was plump II 93
Throw the Beetle at Her IV 43
Tickle the Wig V 61
Tiggit along the Room II 98
*Tipperary Hills II 103
Top it off I 69
Tuige gan Grá a'm do Mháire? II 96
Turas go Yorkshire, An IV 36
Two in a Gig II 101
Up wi't Ailly Now IV 37
Waterford Girls IV 32
Way to Dublin, The II 97
Welcome the Piper II 98
Whinny Hills of Leitrim, The I 67
Why didn't I love Máire? II 96
Wink and she'll follow you II 107
*Yellow Stockings I 66
Yorkshire Trip IV 36
untitled (and unidentified):
IV 29, 31, 35.
Polkas, Single Reels, etc. |
Ag Dul amach ar an Leac Oighir dom II 122
*Art O'Keeffe's Polka II 125
As I went out upon the ice II 122
*Ballydesmond Polka III 73
Battle of Aughrim II 118
Biddy Martin II 111
Bidí Mháirtín II 111
B[h]ó Chiarraíoch, An II 116
Boyne Water II 124
Boys of the Town, The III 76
Bridal Polka, The V 94
Briseadh na Bóinne II 124
Brúigh Isteach liom, a Shiobháinín IV 77
Buddy Furey's Polka III 71
Cailín Dubh i bhFeisteas Gorm, An III 75
*Captain Byng II 113
Cath Eachroma II 118
Ceithre Thurraing, An [1] III 66
Ceithre Thurraing, An [2] III 70
Cnota Bán, An II 115
Cockle Shells II 110
Crosaire de Bhailís III 69
Cuadraill Na Lancers V 105
Dancing Master's Reel, The II 126
*Dan Sweeney's II 127
Dark Girl Dressed in Blue, The III 75
De Bharr na gCnoc is in Imighéin IV 82
Dolly Varden, The (An) V 87
Downey IV 78
(Jimmy) Doyle's Favourite III 74
Finnegan's Wake IV 83
Four Shoves, The [1] III 66
Four Shoves, The [2] III 70
(Buddy) Furey's Polka III 71
Gabhairín Buí, An II 110
Garráin Ghníomh go Leith III 63
Gleann an Tuairín Ghairbh III 77
Glen (or Green) Cottage, The [1] II 130, III 72
Glen (or Green) Cottage, The [2] III 78
Great Eastern Polka, The V 108
Groves of Gneeveguilla, The II 119, III 63
Gypsy's Polka, The (i) & (ii) V 92
Hielan Laddie II 110
I Have a Bonnet (Trimmed with Blue) III 68
I wish I had a Kerry cow II 116
Jenny Lind('s Favourite) V 94
Jer an Rigéara II 128
Jer the Rigger II 128
Jim Keeffe's Polka III 64
Jimmy Doyle's Favourite III 74
Johnny Box IV 90
Johnny O'Leary's Polka V 99
Julia Clifford V 101
(Jim) Keeffe's Polka III 64
Kerry Cow, The II 116
Killoran's Polka [1] III 67
Killoran's Polka [2] III 79
Knocknaboul Polka, The [1] III 62
Knocknaboul Polka, The [2] III 65
Lackagh Cross Polka V 103
Lancer(s' Quadrille), The V 105
*(Seán) McGovern's Polka II 108
(Johnny O')Leary's Polka V 99
(Tony) Lowe's Polka III 80
Mamma's Polka IV 88
Maurice Manley's Polka II 117
*Merry [or Mary] Girl III 79
Miss McLeod's Polka V 90
McLaughlin's Fling V 105
*(Art) O'Keeffe's Polka II 125
(Johnny) O'Leary's Polka V 99
Osborn Quadrilles - No. 5 IV 92
Over the Hills and Far Away IV 82
Polca an Great Eastern V 108
Polca Antaine Mhic Lú III 80
Polca Bhodaí Uí Fhoirréidh III 71
Polca Chnoc na bPoll [1] III 62
Polca Chnoc na bPoll [2] III 65
Polca Chrosaire an Leacaigh V 103
Polca Iníon Mhic Leoid V 90
Polca Mhic Giolla Luairinn [1] III 67
Polca Mhic Giolla Luairinn [2] III 79
Polka Mhuiris Uí Mhaonghaile II 117
Pólca mo Mháithrín IV 88
Polca na Bridí V 94
Polca na Giofóige (i) & (ii) V 92
Polca Schottische V 88
Polca Sheáin Uí Laoghaire V 99
Polca Shéamuis Uí Chaoimh III 64
Polca Tom Billy III 73
Polca Uí Tharmáin III 76
Poor Old Woman, The V 84
*(Willie) Reidy's II 114
Ríl an Mháistir Rince II 126
*Rose Anne's V 106
*Scartaglen Polka, The II 109
Schottische Polka V 88
Sean-Bhean Bhocht, An t- V 84
*Seán McGovern's Polka II 108
Sett of Quadrills, A - No. 2 IV 87
Shove into Me, Siobháinín IV 77
Síle Ní Chlúmháin V 101
*(Dan) Sweeney's II 127
Tá Boinéad Agam III 68
Tarmon's Polka III 76
Teachín an Ghleanna [1] II 130, III 72
Teachín an Ghleanna [2] III 78
Tom Billy's Polka III 73
Tony Lowe's Polka III 80
*Top of Maol II 119, III 63
Tureengarbh Glen III 77
Upperchurch Polka IV 85
Wallace's Cross III 69
Wallop away the Wattle O! V 105
White Cockade, The II 115
William Clarke V 87
*Willie Reidy's II 114
untitled (and unidentified):
II 112, 120, 121, 123, 129.
IV 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93.
V 85, 86, 89, 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 107.
Reels |
Aberdeen Lasses, The II 293
Achonry Lasses, The II 158
Ag Bogadh linn go Measúil II 252
Ag Fanacht leat atá mé II 176
*Aggie White's II 186
Aghavas Reel, The (i) V 144
Aghavas Reel, The (ii) V 145
Ag Ionfairt sa tSeagal II 208
Ag Rolladh sa Bhairille V 111
Ag Suirí Leo ar Fad III 119
Ag Teacht Abhaile ón bPortach II 141
Ah Surely I 81, III 129
Aighneas ag an gCrosbhóthar, An t- II 228
Aimsir Aerach na Cásca IV 117
Áine Bhóideach III 150
Áine Mhaiseach IV 170
Ainnir an Ghleanna IV 169
Ainnir Tí an Gheata II 233
Áirítear mar Dhíth Céille É III 124
Aisghairm na hAontachta I 129
Aisling Mháire IV 120
Aisling Uí Chiardha I 128
All around the Room Reel, for Pipes IV 106
All Around the World III 158
All round the Room IV 106
All the way(s) to Galway II 282
All the World Loves Me IV 122
Anderson's Reel I 163
Anderson's Reel II 254, III 125
Annamaculeen Reel, The II 194
Annesbrook House IV 123
Ansacht Uí Dhúgáin IV 205
(Martin) Ansboro's Reel III 91
Antrim Rose, The III 147
Anything for John Joe? II 192, III 164
Aoibhneas na Máthar II 240
Aoibhneas Philip Uí Bheirn I 170
Aoibhneas Uí Mhongáin V 182
Aonach Bhéal Átha na Sluaighe III 89
Aprún an Tincéara II 152
Arda Berkshire II 257
*Around the World III 163
Ashmolean House IV 200
Ash Plant, The I 116
A Thaidhg, a Rún II 150(i)
Athens III 102
Athol Braes, The II 250
Atlantic Wave, The V 166
Austin Tierney's [Reel] III 111
Autumn Leaves, The IV 132
Bag of Potatoes, The I 111
Bag of Potatoes, The I 94
Bailitheoir Longphoirt I 184
Bainis an Phíobaire II 177
Baintreach Mná IV 168
Baintreach na Radaireacht I 177, II 292
Bairéad an Mháirnéalaigh I 157
Bairille Braiche, An IV 147
Baisteadh, An I 155
Baker's Reel, The IV 137
Ballinalarkey Maids IV 152
Ballina Lass, The I 80
Ballinasloe Fair, The III 89
Ballintra Lasses V 192
Ball na Grandach I 154
Ball Seirce, An I 135
Ballymahon Reel, The III 138
*Banks of Enverness, The I 126
Banna Céilí Daideo Taimí V 129
Banríon Bhealtaine I 197
B[h]antiarna Gordon, An V 157
*Banshee, The II 273
Barmaid, The III 201
Barrack Street Boys, The III 173
Barr an tSléibhe I 93
Barrel of Wash, The IV 147
*Barrel Rafferty's IV 119
Barrow Castle, The III 93
Bascadh Thomáis Mhic an Bháird I 90
Bashful Bachelor, The II 174
*Bashful Beau, The I 197
Bealach ar fad go Gaillimh, An II 282
Bean an Bhainne III 191
Bean a' Tí ar Lár II 199
Bean an Tí ar Lár I 86
Beannacht an Mhoinsíneora I 99, III 157
Bean Phádraig Uí Mhurchú III 165
B[h]ean Uasal ar an Oileán, An I 188
Bearna na Gaoithe I 81, III 129
Bearnaigh an Bairille II 266
Bearr an Veilbhit III 85
Beauty Spot, The I 135
Beggarman's Reel, The V 137
Belles of Tipperary, The I 166, III 93
*Bellharbour Reel, The II 146, III 183
Bells of St. Louis, The III 128
*Belvidere II 188
*Bennett's Favourite I 164
Berkshire Heights, The II 257
Biadánaí, An I 190, III 143
Bí ag Treabhadh leat II 160
Big John's Reel V 141
Big Pat's Dandy Reel I 193, III 179, IV 177
Big Pat's Reel II 284
Bill Harte's Reel I 110
Bird in the Bush, The I 87
Bird in the Cage, The II 170
Bird on the Tree, The I 87
*Black-eyed Sailor, The II 161, III 110
Blackhaired Lass, The I 114
Blacksmith's Daughter, The I 73
Blacksmith's Fancy, The V 193
Blacksmith's Reel, The I 73
Blacksmith Reilly's Reel, The V 143
Blackthorn Stick, The II 214
Bláthanna an Chnoic Rua II 254, III 125
Bláth na hÓige III 136
Bláth na Sceiche Gile V 188
Bleaberry Blossom, The III 93
(John P.) Blessing's Favourite IV 174
Blind Norry's V 140
*Blodgett's III 102
Bloom of Youth, The III 136
Bloron's Fancy II 293
Blossom of the New Tree, The I 177, II 292
Bluebells, The II 227, III 180
Blue Pantaloons IV 165
Blue Pidgeon, The V 209
Boatman's Reel, The III 161
Boat Street Lasses, The II 172, V 120
Bob with the one Horn II 145
Bogan's Reel IV 107
Bog Ranger's Wife, The I 130
Bog siar an Bóthar II 206
Boic Óráin Mhóir II 248
Boil the Kettle Early V 199
Boil the Kettle Early II 208
(Paddy) Bolster's Reel I 99
Bolton Street IV 201
Bond's II 293
Bonnie Ann III 150
Bonnie Annie I 107
Bonnie Kate I 174-6
Bonnie Sally II 217
Bonny Boys of Ballintra [or Ballina] III 198, V 192
Bonny Lass of Fisherrow [or Fishirron], The I 174-6
Bothán sa bPortach, An I 109
Bothán Thaobh an Ghleanna II 296
Bóthar an Ghleanna go dtí an Charraig III 182
Bóthar Chluain Meala IV 180
Bóthar Garbh, An II 146, III 183
Bóthar Iarainn, An IV 129
Bóthar Mór go Linton, An III 166
Bóthar Nua, An IV 113
Boy in the Boat, The I 173
Boy in the Gap, The I 132, III 101
Boy in the Tree, The IV 94
Boy on the Hilltop, The III 84
*Boys of Cappoquin, The I 132, III 101
Boys of Kilsarne, The I 76
Boys of Limerick I 174-6
Boys of Malin, The II 132
Boys of the Lake, The II 164
Boys of the Lake, The III 94
Boys of the Lough, The I 159
Boys of 25, The III 90
Boy(s) on the Hilltop, The III 84
*Braes of Auchtertyre [or Auchentyre], The I 166
Braes of Dumblane, The III 198, V 192
Brearton's V 130
(Paddy) Breen's Reel III 153
Brer(e)ton's V 130
Brian Boru I 182
Brian Ó Láimhín I 95
Brides Away III 173
Bride[s] to Bed, The III 173
Bridget Flynn's Reel III 187
Bridie's Joy V 122
*Brightest Eyes I 136
Bright May moon, The V 121
British Naggon, The III 173
Broken Pledge, The V 188
Brown-eyed Girl, The II 189
Brown Girl, The I 114
Brown Girl's Reel, The II 263
Brown Red Girl, The II 208
Bruacha Caonaigh, Na (a) II 196
Bruacha Caonaigh, Na (b) II 216
Bruacha na Life III 82
Bruachanna Gréine, Na I 148
Bruisus, The I 74, V 170
Buachaillí an Locha II 164
Buachaillí ar Bharr an Chnoic, Na III 84
Buachaillí Chaisleáin an Dumha V 160
Buachaillí Chill Sairn I 76
Buachaillí Meidhreacha Bhaile Fhobhair IV 159
Buachaillí Mhálanna II 132
Buachaillí na Locha I 159
Buachaillín Fionn, An II 255
Buachaill sa Chrann, An IV 94
Buachaill sa mBád, An I 173
Buachaill sa mBearna, An I 132, III 101
Buailteoir Meidhreach, An III 156
Bucks of Carranmore, The II 248
Bucks of Cranmore, The II 248
Bucks of Oranmore, The II 248
Búcla Glúine an Híleantóra [1] II 136
Búcla Glúine an Híleantóra [2] II 156
Budógaí Chonnacht I 89
Bumper Allen's Delight I 150
Bundle of Straw, The I 185
*Burren, The III 160
Bush Reel, The I 105
Cabar Féigh I 145
Cabin Hunter, The I 190, III 143
Cailín an Ghúna Uaine III 195
Cailín an Mhuilleora III 198, V 192
Cailín an Ósta III 201
Cailín Bhaile an tSratha I 91
Cailín Bhaile na Trá III 198, V 192
Cailín Donn, An I 114
Cailín Fionn, An II 265
Cailín Gaelach, An I 171, III 151
Cailíní deasa Mhuigheo I 75
Cailíní Londan [1] II 170
Cailíní Londan [2] III 106
Cailín na Gruaige Duibhe I 114
Cailín na Samhaircíní II 150(ii)
Cairngorum I 154, II 185
Caisleán Uí Cheallaigh I 108
Cáit Bhóideach I 174-6
*California Girls V 130
(O')Callaghan's Reel II 131, III 88
Callan Lasses V 163
Camchuairt an Chonnachtaigh IV 173
Cameronian Reel, The I 128
Caper Fey I 145
Captain Kelly's Reel III 157
Captain Murray's Reel I 177, II 292
Captain Rock I 105
Carey's Dream I 128
Carmel Mahoney Mulhaire V 130
Carmel Ní Mhathúna Uí Mhaolchéire V 130
C[h]arraigín Rua, An II 283
*Carrigaline III 90
Carthy's Reel IV 181
(Paddy) Carthy's Reel IV 132
Carton's No. 2 Reel II 177
Carton's Reel II 211
Carty's Reel II 294
(Maurice) Casey's Fancy III 83
(Thady) Casey's Fancy III 160
Cashmere Shawl, The I 109
*Castle, The II 294
Castlebar Traveller, The II 247
Castlecomer Lasses, The II 234
Castle Kelly I 108
Castlemahon Lasses V 123
Castle Street Reel, The I 145
Cat d'ith an Coinneal, An I 153
Cathaoir an Iarla I 142
Cathcart's Favourite II 177
Cat na Crimlinne IV 97
Cat that ate the Candle, The I 153
Cat that ate the Sidecomb, The I 102
Cavan Reel, The II 168
C[h]éad Mhí den tSamhradh, An V 148
Ceangail na Ribíní [1] II 284, 286
Ceangal na Ribíní [2] I 193, III 179, IV 177
C[h]earc is a hál, An I 117
C[h]éim Cloiche, An I 149
Ceirtlín Snáithe in Aimhréidh, An I 102
Celebrated Opera Reel, The II 154
Ceolchumann, An I 166
*Ceol na gCeártan II 159
Charlie Harris's IV 174
*Charlie Mulvihill's II 203
Charming Molly Brallaghan I 79
Chattering Magpie, The I 77
Cheap Meal I 154, II 185
Cheese it III 173
Cherry Tree, The III 111
*Chorus Reel, The III 182
Christening, The I 155
Christmas Eve II 140
Chuig na Glúine i nGaineamh Thú III 159
Cill Abhail I 147
Cill Beathach I 196
Cinnte le Dia I 81, III 129
Cití sa Bhóithrín V 115
Cladaí Bhaile an Bhuinneánaigh V 128
Clady Reel, The I 193, III 179, IV 177
Claíomh i Láimh, An I 144
Clare Reel, The II 138
Cleaning the Henhouse III 190
Clear the Road II 214
C[h]loch Aoil, An I 113, IV 166
C[h]loch sa nGarraí, An I 104
Clogher Reel, The III 102
Clogra Ledlow IV 150
Cloig St. Louis III 128
Clonmell Lassies I 74, V 170
Cloon[e], The III 132
C[h]luain, An III 132
Club Reel, The II 179
Cluiche an Ghrá II 293
Cnocáin na Céise II 244, III 181
Cnoc an Arbhar II 236
Cnoc na bPoll II 253
Cnoc Uí Choileáin V 167
Cnoic Fhada Mhughdhorna I 105
Cock your Pistol, Charlie I 177, II 292
(Tommy) Coen's Reel II 140
Coileach Comhraic, An V 158
Coillte Críona, Na I 179
Coinnle Corra, Na II 227, III 180
Cóir Ghaoithe III 81, V 109
Coirnéal Mhac Ruaidhrí I 78
Cois an Ghiorria I 185
C[h]ois Tinn, An I 92
Coláisteánaigh Ghlascú V 187
Colamór Súgach, An I 84
Coleman's Cross III 205
Coleman's Fancy I 103
College Grove(s), The II 265
Collegians of Glasgow, The V 187
Collier's Reel III 98
Colonel Frazer III 148
Colonel McBain I 182
Colonel Rogers I 78
Colún Nelson IV 133 (ii)
Colúr ar an nGeata, An II 250
Colúr Glas, An V 209
C[h]omdháil, An I 122
Come West along the Road II 206
Coming Home from the Bog II 141
Coming thro' the Field II 172, V 120
(Gerry) Commane's Reel III 204
*Concert Reel, The II 131, III 88
*Concertina Reel, The II 210, II 220, II 275
Congress, The I 122
Con McGinley's IV 168
Connacht Heifers I 89
Connacht Lasses, The III 93
Connachtman's Rambles, The IV 173
Connachtman's Rambles, The II 208
Connacht Rangers, The I 84
Connacht Reel, The II 265
Conneberry Reel, The III 83
*(Maura) Connolly's II 239
Connolly's Reel III 146
Connolly's Reel I 96
*Considine's Grove II 290
Contradiction, The V 161
Controversial Reel, The III 162
Cooley's Reel I 200
(Joe) Cooley's Reel II 146, III 183
Coppers and [or of] Brass II 149
Cordal Reel, The I 169
Corda Snaidhmthe, An II 229
Cork Lasses, The I 144
Corkonian, The III 94
Cor na Sióg III 156
Corner House, The I 120
Corney is Coming III 173
Cornhill, The II 236
Coronation Reel, The I 146, II 209
*Cosa Mulligan, La II 163
Cottage in the Grove, The III 83, III 96
Countess of Lothean's [or Louden's] Reel II 260
Courting Them All III 119
Courting Them All II 174
Cows are a-Milking, The I 71
Craith na Cleiteacha [or Cleití] [1] I 195, II 291
Craith na Cleiteacha [2] III 112
Crann Darach, An II 193
Crawford's Reel III 173
Creeping Mouse, The II 172, V 120
Crib of Perches, The II 180
Crimlin Cat, The IV 97
Croith na Cleiteacha [see also Craith...] III 112
(Gerry) Cronin's Reel III 114
*(Paddy) Cronin's II 290
Crooked Reel, The I 107
Cros an Lománaigh II 148
Crosbhóithre an Eanaigh II 221, II 226, III 171
Crosbhóthar an Cholmánaigh [or Uí Cholmáin] III 205
Crosses of Annagh, The II 221, II 226, III 171
Crowley's Reel I 137
C[h]ruib Péirsí, An II 180
*Crushing the Twigs II 183
Cuimhní ar an gCeis IV 104
Cuir Snaidhm ar do Chaipín, a Shinéad III 96
Cumar na Cathrach I 108
Cunningham's Fancy I 126
Cupán Tae, An II 278
Cup of tea, The II 278
Curly Mike III 109
Curragh Races, The I 103, V 154
Cú Uí Mhurchú II 251
Dairymaid, The III 191
Daisy Field, The I 171, III 151
*Dan Backus' Favourite III 178
Dandy Apron, The II 271
Dandy Girl [or Lass or Lasses], The III 93
Dandy Reel, The I 194, II 284
Dangerous Reel, The III 189
Danny Meehan's Reel I 172, III 142
Dan Sullivan's Reel I 182
Dan the Pump V 147
Dark Gate Girl, The I 114
Dark Haired Girl, The I 114
*Dash to Portobello, The III 174
Daunse ny Farishyn III 156
Day I met Tom Moylan, The III 131
Dear Meal, The (is Cheap again) I 154, II 185
Deer's Horns, The I 145
De Ghrá na Sean-Mheasúlachta III 192
Deifrigh leis an gCéachta [1] II 160
Deifrigh leis an gCéachta [2] III 92
Denis Murphy's V 122
Deontánach, An II 268
Derry Brae IV 150
Derrymore Reel, The IV 164
Devan[n]ey's Goat II 267
Devonshire Hunt, The I 182
Dhá Éan ar an gCrann II 232
Dicky Sherlock's Reel II 200
Dillon Brown II 258, III 117
Dillon's Fancy I 85
Dillon's Reel I 85
Dimmers, The IV 100
Dinny O'Brien's Reel III 145
*Dinny Ryan's II 290
Diolún de Brún II 258, III 117
Dispute at the Crossroads, The I 180, II 228
Diúc Laighean I 194
Dochtúir Gilibeart, An I 180, II 228
Doctor Gilbert I 180, II 228
(John) Doherty's Reel [1] II 134, III 149
(John) Doherty's Reel [2] III 177
(Johnny) Doherty's Yellow Tinker IV 186
Dónall a' Phumpa V 147
Dónall the Pump V 147
Donegal Rambler, The V 140
Donegal Reel, The V 193
Donnelly's V 163
Don't be foolish II 254, III 125
Don't bother me II 174
Doon Reel, The II 270
Doon Reel, The II 154
*(Paddy) Doorhy's III 189
Dougan's Fancy IV 205
(Tom) Dowd's Favourite I 115
(O')Dowd's No. 9 II 165
Downing's Reel I 106
Downshire Reel, The III 136
Down the Banks with Mary V 133
Down the Broom II 221, II 226, III 171
Down the Groves II 234
Down the Street II 172, V 120
Down with the Mail III 96
Down with the Tea Tacklings III 111
Dowser's Favourite IV 207
Drag her around the Road I 112
Dráiríní na Mná Uaisle III 161
Drinking Reel, The II 250
Drogheda Lass[es], The III 189
Drogheda Reel, The III 189
Drowsy Maggie IV 143
*Drummond Lasses II 167
Drunken Tailor, The II 250
Dublin Lasses [1] I 193, III 179, IV 177
Dublin Lasses [2] III 102
Dublin Lasses, The II 149, III 102
Dublin Porter III 155
Dublin Porter House, The III 155
Dublin Reel, The III 102
Duffy's Reel IV 171
*Duffy the Dancer III 140
Duilleog Bhán, An IV 191
Duilliúr an Fhómhair IV 132
Duke Gordon I 203, II 213, V 191
Duke of Clarence Reel, The I 182
Duke of Gordon's Favourite [or Rant] I 203, II 213, V 191
Duke of Leinster, The I 194
Dul Faoi na Gréine IV 103
Dunmore Lasses I 189
Ealaín an Tincéara IV 186
Éan ar an gCrann, An t- I 87
Earl's Chair, The I 142
*Eddie Kelly's II 181
*Eddie Moloney's # 1 II 219
*Eddie Moloney's III 189
Eel in the Sink, The II 244, III 181, V 176
Eight and forty sisters II 289
Éilís Ní Bhrógáin I 82
Eireaball na Fáinleoige III 196
Éirí na Gréine (a) II 214
Éirí na Gréine (b) II 260
*Eleanor Kane's II 181
Elizabeth Brogan I 82
Erin's Groves II 234
Ewe Reel, The II 145
Ewe with the Crooked Horn, The II 145
(Paddy) Fahey's Reel (i) V 112
(Paddy) Fahey's Reel (ii) V 113
(Paddy) Fahey's Reel (iii) V 114
Fahy's Reel III 122
Fahy's Reel IV 113
Fáilte Shinéad roimh Chathal II 261
Fairhaired Boy, The II 255
Fair Wind, The III 81
Fairy Hurlers, The I 199
Fairy Reel, The III 156
Family Estate, The III 196
Fánaí Thír Chonaill V 140
Fan go Fóilleach III 127
*Fantastic Reel, The III 86, III 176
Faral Gara I 131
Faraway Wedding, The III 96
Farewell to Connacht III 98
Farewell to Erin [1] I 139
Farewell to Erin [2] III 111
Farewell to Leitrim II 279, III 126, IV 135
Farewell to Old Decency III 192
Farewell to the Heather IV 109
Farrell O'Gara I 131
*Father Ahearn's II 186
Father Henebry's Reel I 84
Father Kelly's Reel V 138
Fearghal Ó Gadhra I 131
Fiach Albanach, An V 176
Fiagaí an Mhada Rua II 205
Fiaire Feá, An I 193, III 179, IV 177
Fiairí Feá, Na II 249
Fiannóglaigh na nGeailtí II 201
Fiddler is Drunk, The II 205
Fiddler's Frolic II 279, III 126, IV 135, V 139
(Paddy) Finlay's Favourite I 199
(Freddy) Finn's Reel III 199
First of August, The III 82
First House in Connaught, The I 106
First Month of Summer, The V 148
Fisherman's Lilt, The I 126
Fitzgerald's I 177, II 292
(Tom) Fitzmorris' V 188
(Jackie) Fitzpatrick's Reel II 225
Five-Leaved Clover, The I 119
Flagon Reel, The II 184
Flags of Dublin, The III 198, V 192
Flags of Dublin, The III 111
Flax in Bloom, The IV 114
Flogging Reel, The II 184
Flower of the Flock, The II 255
Flowers of Redhill, The II 254, III 125
(O')Flynn's Fancy II 198
(Bridget) Flynn's Reel III 187
Foe, The II 145
Foisceacht Míle do Bhaile Átha Cliath, I bh- II 179
Follow me down (to Carlow) I 107
Follow me to Carlow I 185
*Forget Me Not II 288, III 95
(Ike) Forrester's Reel III 94
For the Sake of Old Decency III 192
Four Courts, The II 182
Four Courts of Dublin, The III 93
Four Knocks, The IV 207
*Fourpenny Bit, The II 148
Foxhunter's, The II 205
Frazer's Reel IV 203
Freddy Finn's Reel III 199
*Free and Easy II 187
Frieze Kneebreeches I 84
Frithrá, An V 161
F[h]uiseog, An I 156
Fuiseog an tSléibhe I 84
Funny Eye I 126
Furze Bush, The III 139
Gabha Meidhreach, An III 94
Gabhar an Dubhánaigh II 267
Gabhrán, An II 287
Gaigíní Chill Áirne III 141
Gallagher's Best II 250
Gallagher's II 211
Galtee Rangers, The II 201
Galway Girls, The II 282
Galway Harebait, The I 117
Galway Rambler, The I 199
Game Cock, The V 158
Game of Love, The II 293
G[h]aoth a Chroitheann an Eorna, An III 202
G[h]aoth Aniar, An I 72
Garda Nua, An I 99, III 157
Gardener's Daughter, The II 141
Garráin Ghlasa na hÉireann II 234
Garrán an Choláiste II 265
Garranta Glasa Mheiriceá I 79
Garranta Sailí, Na I 100
Gasúr a thug Leadradh dá Athair, An II 247
Gatehouse Maid, The II 233
Gauger, The III 140
Gauger, The I 84
Gay Fellow's Favourite, The II 234
Gealach Gheal na Bealtaine V 121
Gearrbhodaí Laoise I 192
Gearrchaile an Tobair Bheannaithe V 200
Gearrchaile an tSabhaircín IV 110
Gearrchaile Bhaile Mhistéala I 151
G[h]earrchaile Chríona, An III 158
Gearrchaile na Samhaircíní II 189
Gearrchaile Oileán Píce I 143
Gearrchaile sa gCrann Silíní, An I 103, V 154
Gearrchaile sa Luachair, An II 170
Gearrchaile Shliabh Cisco I 118
Gearrchaile Shligigh I 124
Gearrchaile taobh thiar den Bheár, An I 74, V 170
Gearrchailí Bhaile an Mhuilinn V 150
Gearrchailí Bhaile na Leargadh IV 152
Gearrchailí Chaisleáin Maí Tamhnach V 123
Gearrchailí Challain V 163
Gearrchailí Luimnigh IV 168
Gearrchailí Naomh Barra IV 196
Gearrchailí Thír na Sceach IV 202
Gearrchailiú Achadh Conaire II 158
Gearrchailiú an Dúin Mhóir I 189
Gearrchailiú Bhaile Átha Cliath I 193, III 179, IV 177
Gearrchailiú Chaisleán an Bharraigh I 134
Gearrchailliú Chontae Mhuigheo I 80
Geataí Glasuaine, Na II 178
Geataí Móra Annesbrook IV 195
Geatley's II 291
Geehan's Reel III 85
General McBean I 182
George White's Favourite I 97
Gerry Commane's Reel III 203
Gerry Cronin's Reel III 114
(Jimmy) Giblin's Reel III 118
Gilbert Clancy I 83
Gilibeart Mhac Fhlannchadha I 83
Ginley's Fancy III 130
Giobarach, An II 179
Giorria sa bhFraoch I 198
Girl with the Handsome Face, The III 196
*Girl with the Laughing Eyes, The III 108
Glanadh Chró na gCearc III 190
*Glass of Beer, The III 168
Glasslough Reel, The IV 160
Glastertown's Downfall I 145
Gleann Cholm Cille III 86, III 176
Gleann Eoghain II 154
Gleannta Eatharlaí III 174
Gleanntán [or Glountane] Reel, The V 122
Gleanntán [or Glountane] Reel, The V 146
Glencolmcille III 86, III 176
Glendoan Fancy, The I 124
Glendowan Reel, The I 124
Glen Road to Carrick, The III 182
Glenside Cottage, The II 296
Glens of Aherlow, The III 174
Gliomach, An II 147
Glountane [or Gleanntán] Reel, The V 122
Glountane [or Gleanntán] Reel, The V 146
God Speed the Plough II 160
*Going to the Fair III 178
Gol agus Gáire na hÉireann I 101
Gone for His Tea III 144
Good Fluter, The II 234
Gooseberry Bush, The II 262
Gorman's Reel [1] II 276
Gorman's Reel [2] III 188
Go see the fun II 145
Gossan that beat his father, The II 247
Gowel Reel, The I 172, III 142
Grand Gates of Annesbrook, The IV 195
Grandpa Tommy's Céilí Band V 128
Granshaw Glens I 177, II 292
Gravel Walks, The II 238
Gravelled Walks to Granny, The III 96
Grazier, The III 85
*Great Eastern I 164
Green Banks of Rossbeigh I 181
Green Cup of Tea, The II 278
Green Fields of America, The I 79
Green Fields of Erin, The II 149, II 234
Green Fields of Glentown, The II 246, III 184
Green Fields of Rossbeigh I 181
Green Fields to America, The III 93
Green Garters, The I 73, III 85
Green Gates, The II 178
Green-gowned Lass, The III 195
Green Groves of Erin, The II 234
Green Jacket, The II 168, II 265
Green Leaf, The IV 192
Green Meadows, The I 80
Green Mountain The III 201
Green Pantaloons, The III 161
Green Pigeon, The V 209
Green Tea IV 95
Greig's Pipes I 96
Greig's Pipes II 205
Grey Frieze Breeches, The III 161
Groves of Erin, The II 234
(Tommy) Gunn's Reel IV 151
Gurtaglanna Reel I 129
Hag's Reel, The I 80
(Mick) Hand's Reel III 170
Handsome Sally II 235, III 130, IV 132
Harbourstown House IV 121
Hare in the corner, The II 137
Hare in the Heather, The I 198
Hare's Foot, The I 185
(Charlie) Harris's IV 174
(Bill) Harte's Reel I 110
Hawthorn Blossom, The V 188
Hawthorn's Reel II 279, III 126, IV 135, V 139
Haye's Fancy II 154
Haymaker, The I 119, III 201
Hearty Bucks, The II 248
Heather Bloom, The II 149
Heather Braes of Ballyhealy, The II 149
Heather[y] Breeze [or Braes or Bloom], The II 149
Heathery Braes of Ballyhealy, The II 149
Heather Breeze, The II 234
Heel of the Hunt, The I 119
Hen and her Clutch, The I 117
Hielanman's Kneebuckle II 156
Highlander's Kneebuckle, The II 136
Highland Man who Kissed his Granny III 96
High Reel, The III 140
High Road to Linton, The III 166
Highway to Holborn, The II 261
Hills of Clady, The II 284
Hills of Kesh, The II 244, III 181
Hilltop, The III 84
Hod Carrier, The II 254, III 125
*Holly Bush, The I 93
Honeymoon, The III 173
Hopetoun House I 177, II 292
Humours of Appletown, The II 149
Humours of Ballagh, The II 291
*Humours of Ballinacarrig, The II 295
Humours of Bantry Bay, The II 184
Humours of Carrigaholt, The III 133
Humours of Castlefinn, The I 186
Humours of Ederney, The IV 118
Humours of Flip, The III 85
Humours of Lissadell, The I 191
Humours of Loughrea, The II 247
*Humours of Lough Reagh, The II 197, III 87
Humours of Old Knockaney, The I 103
Humours of Schull, The II 222
Humours of Swanlinbar, The II 182
Humours of Toomagh, The III 132
Humours of Tulla, The III 135
Humours of Whitegate, The V 124
Hunter's Purse, The I 119
Hut in the Bog, The I 109
I bhFoisceacht Míle do Bhaile Átha Cliath II 179
I have no money II 137
Ike Forrester's Reel III 94
I Meiriceá atá mo Ghrása II 271
Imithe chuig an Tae III 144
I'm ready now II 259
I'm waiting for you II 176
In and Out the Harbour III 96
Inch of Garth, The II 214
*Indy's Favourite III 201
Iníon an Mhuilleora V 185
Iníon Langfort II 144
Iníon Mhic Aonghusa [1] I 121
Iníon Mhic Aonghusa [2] IV 172
Iníon Mhic Dhónaill III 134
Iníon Mhic Eoin II 188
Iníon Ní Choiligh IV 128
Iníon Ramsey II 288, III 95
Iníon Uí Chasaide IV 99
Iníon Uí Choiligh IV 128
Iníon Uí Dhroighneáin II 172, V 120
Iníon Uí Mhuimhneacháin III 93
Irish Girl, The I 171, III 151
Irishman's Blackthorn, The II 244, III 181
Irishman's Blackthorn Stick, The II 214
Irish Pat I 133
Is Álainn go Deo mo Ghrása IV 176
I sat in the Valley Green III 202
I Saw Her III 173
Is Trua gan Peata 'n Mhaoir agam II 259
It Goes as Follies III 124
Ivy Leaf, The III 131
I wish I had a Kerry Cow II 263
Jack and Jill II 297
Jackie Daly's V 198
Jackie Fitzpatrick's Reel II 225
Jack Maguire's Reel III 105
Jack's Alive IV 116
*Jackson's Reel [1] II 207
Jackson's Reel [2] III 102
Jackson's Welcome to Cork III 93
Jack the ? V 195
James Ryan's Favourite I 72
Jennie Bang [or Dang] the Weaver III 139
Jenny and the Weasel V 156
Jenny and the Weaver [or Weazel] II 261
Jenny Got a Clinking IV 167
Jenny Lace Your Tight III 96
Jenny Lind's Reel II 271
Jenny Picking Cockles V 208
Jenny's Folly IV 185
Jenny's Welcome to Charlie II 261
Jenny Tie your Bonnet III 96
Jilly Neary's Favourite II 254, III 125
*Jim Coleman's III 178
Jim Kennedy's Favourite I 185
Jimmy Giblin's Reel III 118
Jimmy the Creel Maker I 193, II 284, III 179
Joe Cooley's Reel II 146, III 183
John Brennan from Sligo I 160
John Colton IV 142
John Doherty's Reel [1] II 134, III 149
John Doherty's Reel [2] III 177
John Frank I 182
John Kelly's Favourite IV 163
Johnnie Seán the Rake II 277
Johnny Doherty's Yellow Tinker IV 186
Johnny's gone to France III 204
Johnny Shooting in the Glen III 93
John P. Blessing's Favourite IV 174
John Potts's Reel IV 188
John Reid's Favourite I 83
John Slattery's Reel V 198
Johnson's Reel I 201
John Stewart's V 210
Johnstown Reel I 159
Jolly Banger, The III 156
Jolly Clam-diggers I 136
Jolly Seven, The III 163
Jolly Tinker, The IV 186
Joshua Gray III 196
Josie McDermott's Reel III 169
Judy Brallaghan I 79
Judy Brannagan I 79
Judy's Reel III 201
Jumping Geordie II 153
Kane's IV 133 (i)
*(Eleanor) Kane's II 181
Kate Gaynor's Fancy I 129
Kathy's Reel II 294
(Tom) Keane's Reel III 152
Kelly's Reel III 173
*(Eddie) Kelly's II 181
(John) Kelly's Favourite IV 163
*(Paddy) Kelly's II 186
Kennaw's Reel II 279, III 126, IV 135, V 139
(Jim) Kennedy's Favourite I 185
Kerry Huntsman I 96
Kerry Lasses, The II 145, II 179, II 187, III 202
Kerry Reel, The [1] I 181
Kerry Reel, The [2] IV 112
Kerry Star, The III 93
Kevin Mahon's Reel IV 130
Kilbaha I 196
Kilfinane Reel, The II 208
*Kilkenny Boys III 95
Killabeg's [or Killybegs] House I 81
Killannan's Fancy III 116
Killarney Boys of Pleasure III 141
Killavil I 147
*Killavil Fancy, The I 147
Kiltycreen I 179
Kilworth Lasses, The II 189
King of the Cellar, The I 117
*Kinvara Reel, The II 219
Kiss the Maid behind the Barn I 74,V 170
Kiss the Maid behind the Barrel I 74, V 170
Kiss the Maid behind the Barrel III 85
Kiss the Maid in Bed I 150
Kitty got a clinking II 208
Kitty got a clinking coming from the races III 166
Kitty in the Lane V 115
Kitty in the Lane IV 105
*Kitty Losty's Reel I 197
Knit the Pocky III 173
Knocknabowl Reel, The II 253
Knotted Cord, The II 229
Kregg's Pipes I 96
Lá a casadh Tomás Ó Maoláin orm, An III 131
Lackey's Reel IV 144
*La Cosa Mulligan II 163
Ladies' Pantalettes, The III 161
Ladies Tight Dress, The II 208
Ladies Top Dress, The II 208, II 292
Lad O'Beirne's Favourite V 166
Lads of Doocastle, The V 160
Lads of Laois [or Leith], The I 192
Lady Anna Hope II 172, V 120
Lady Baird's Reel IV 196
Lady Carbury II 211
Lady Cork's Reel I 99
*Lady Doll Sinclair II 237
*Lady Forbes III 134
Lady Gordon V 157
*Lady Harriet Hope III 134
*Lady Mary Ramsey III 95
Lady McDonald's III 200, IV 184
Lady O'Brien's Reel I 84
Lady on the Island, The I 188
Lady on the Lake, The IV 125
Lady on the Railroad, The II 208
Lady Ramsey's Reel III 95
Lady's Pantaloons II 149
Lady's Top Dress, The I 177, II 292
Laethanta Spraoi na Cásca II 281, V 149
Lagan Slashers, The II 250
*Laington's Reel II 258, III 117
*Lame Fisherman, The III 108
Lamont's Reel III 93
Largo's Fairy Dance III 156
Lasses of St. Barry's, The IV 196
Lassie[s] tie your Bonnet[s] III 96
Lass of Ballintra(e), The III 198, V 192
Lass of Ballintray, The I 91
Lass of Carrowcastle, The I 97, II 144
Last House of Connacht, The III 145
Last Night's Fun [1] II 215, III 97
Last Night's Fun [2] III 193
Laurel Bush, The II 247
Laurel Groves, The I 196
Lawson's Favourite II 279, III 126, IV 135, V 139
League and Slasher II 250
Leap Year, The I 154, II 185
Leather Buttons II 136
Ledlow's Chimes IV 150
Léimrás, An III 90
Leinster Highroad, The III 166
Léimrás, An III 90
Leitrim Reel, The I 183
Leitrim Reel, The II 176
Leoithne an Fhraoigh II 149
Leonard's Reel III 161
Liffey Banks, The III 82
Light Horseman's Reel, The IV 106
Lilies of the Field, The IV 105
(Solus) Lillis's Reel I 165
Limber Elbow I 96
Limerick Lasses IV 168
Limerick Lasses II 149
Limestone Rock, The I 113, IV 166
Líon faoi Bhláth, An IV 114
Lisheen Reel, The II 192, III 164
Listowel Lasses, The II 208
Little Bag of Potatoes, The I 94
Little Peggy['s Love] III 200, IV 184
Little Pig Lamenting the Empty Trough, The I 144
*Liverpool Jack's III 178
Lizzie's Bonnet III 96
Lobster, The II 147
Lochiel's Rant II 247
Lománach Cross II 148
London Lasses [1] II 170
London Lasses [2] III 106
London Tower V 122
Longford Collector, The I 184
Long Hills of Mourne, The I 105
Long Hills of Mourne, The I 90
Lord Banff's Reel IV 127
Lord Edward I 177, II 292
Lord Gordon I 203, II 213, V 191
Lord Kelly's Reel III 172
Lord McDonald('s Reel) III 200, IV 184
Lord Mounteagle's IV 131
Lord Wellington [1] I 199
*Lord Wellington [2] II 160, III 110
*(Kitty) Losty's Reel I 197
Lough Aisles Return II 247
Loughlin's Reel V 133
*Loughros Point Reel I 180, II 228
Love among the Roses II 208
Lovely Anne IV 170
Lovely Lassie Winking, The IV 167
Lovely Molly II 296
Lowlands of Scotland, The I 185, II 145
Lucy Campbell I 154, II 185
Luighseach Chaimbhéal I 154, II 185
*Luttrell's Pass I 200
Lynch's Reel I 187
*Magic Slipper, The II 212
(Jack) Maguire's Reel III 105
(O')Mahoney's V 130
(Kevin) Mahon's Reel IV 130
Mahon's Reel II 260
Maid Behind the Bar, The [1] I 74, V 170
Maid Behind the Bar, The [2] III 201
Maid Behind the Bar, The III 85
Maide Draighin an Éireannaigh II 244, III 181
Maide Fuinnseoige, An I 116
Maidhc Catach III 109
Maid in the Cherry Tree, The I 103, V 154
Maid in the Rushes, The II 170
Maid of Ballintra, The II 179
Maid of Erin, The III 98
Maid of Feakle, The III 192
Maid of Hol(l)ywell, The V 200
Maid of Mount Kisco, The I 118
Maid [or Mermaid] of Mullaghmore, The II 134, III 149
Maid of the Forest, The II 172, V 120
Maid of the Glen, The IV 169
Maids, The II 189
Maids of Castlebar I 134
Maids of Kilmallock, The II 137
Maids of Mitchelstown I 151
Maids of Tipperary, The I 150
Maighdean Mhara an Mhullaigh Mhóir II 134, III 149
Maigue's Tide, The I 146, II 209
Mailí Nig Uidhir IV 138
Máilléad an Tuíodóra V 155
Mairéad Nic Shiacais IV 98
Máire Bhéiceach I 161
Máistreás an Tí I 71
Major Harrison's Fedora II 243
Mála Beag Fataí, An I 94
Mála Fataí, An I 111
Malloy's Favourite III 148
Mamma's Pet [1] I 106
Mammy's Pet [2] IV 105
Mamma's Pet [3] IV 189
Mangan's Fancy V 182
Man of the House, The III 130
Maolaitheoirí, Na IV 100
March of the Tribes to Galway, The II 282
Margot Jackson IV 98
*Market Day, The III 127
Martin Ansboro's Reel III 91
Martin Mulhaire's Number Nine V 132
Martin Mulhaire's Reel [1] V 131
Martin Mulhaire's Reel [2] V 129
Martin Wynnes's (no. 1) Reel III 206
*Martin Wynnes's No. 3 II 143
Mary Delaney III 127
Mary in the Mall II 234
*Mary McMahon II 269
*Mary of the Grove III 189
Mary's Dream IV 120
Mason Laddie, The II 211
Mason's Apron [or Cap], The II 211
Master Crowley's II 227, III 180
Master Henry's Reel II 157
Master McDermott's Reel IV 119
*Matt Molloy's II 237
Matt Peoples's No. 1 III 121
*Matt Peoples's [2] II 256
*Matt Peoples's [3] III 167
*Matt Peoples's II 237
*Maude Millar II 212
*Maura Connolly's II 239
Maurice Casey's Fancy III 83
Mayo Lasses I 80
Maureen Playboy II 208
Mayobridge II 278
Mayor Harrison's Fedora II 243
Meadow in Bloom, The II 179
M[h]eaig Chabach, An I 77
Meaigí Shámhánta IV 143
Méaracán an Táilliúra [1] I 125
Méaracán an Táilliúra [2] V 153
(Danny) Meehan's Reel I 172, III 142
Memories of Kesh IV 104
Mermaid [or Maid] of Mullaghmore II 134, III 149
Merry Bits of Timber III 173
Merry Blacksmith, The III 94
Merry Boys of Fore, The IV 159
Merry Dancer, The IV 136
Merry Days of Easter, The IV 117
Merry Harriers, The II 249
Merry Lasses, The II 145
Merry Thatcher, The IV 134
Merry Thatcher, The II 235
Merry Wives, The IV 168
Mick Hand's Reel III 170
Mile from Dublin, A II 179
Milestone [or Millstone], The II 265
Milkmaid, The III 191
Miller's Daughter, The V 185
Miller's Maid, The III 198, V 192
*Mills are Grinding, The II 223
Millstone [or Milestone], The II 265
Milltown Lasses, The V 150
Mil na Maidí II 183
*Mint in the Corn, The II 191
Miss Butler's Reel IV 153
Miss Cassidy IV 99
Miss Corbett's Reel II 265
Miss Cox IV 128
Miss Daly's III 102
Miss Fargherson's New Reel I 177, II 292
Miss Gunning's Delight II 135
Miss Hamilton II 137(i)
Miss Huntly's II 145
Missing Guest, The II 251
Miss Jackson's III 200, IV 184
Miss Johns[t]on (of Houghton Hall) II 188
Miss Kelly's III 163
Miss Kelly's Favourite II 235
Miss Lane's Fancy I 141
Miss Langford II 144
Miss Louisa [or Lucy]Campbell's Delight I 154, II 185
Miss Lucia [or Lucy] Campbell I 154, II 185
Miss Lyon's Fancy I 158, III 103
Miss McDonald's Reel III 134
Miss McGuinness [1] I 121
Miss McGuinness [2] IV 172
*Miss McGuinness III 178
Miss McLeod IV 115
Miss Monaghan III 93
Miss Murphy I 107
Miss Patterson['s Slipper] II 227, III 180
*Miss Percy's Reel III 163
Miss Rae's Reel II 174
Miss Ramsay [or Ramsey] II 288, III 95
Miss Shaw's Reel II 234
*Miss Stewart of Grantully II 234
Miss Thornton('s) II 172, V 120
Miss Wallace I 130
Miss Wilson III 173
Miss Wright's Reel III 196
Mistress of the House, The I 71
Mo Ghrása idir Dhá Rós IV 197
Mohereavogue I 123
Moher Reel III 197, V 186
Mollie Brannigan I 79
Mollie's Bonnet III 196
*(Matt) Molloy's II 237
Molloy's Favourite I 138, II 279, III 126, IV 135, V 139
Molloy's Nightcap III 196
Molly Bawn III 123
Molly Maguire IV 138
Molly what ails you? I 126, II 257
*(Eddie) Moloney's # 1 II 219
Molony's Reel I 88
*Monaghan Twig, The II 152
Monasterevin Fancy, The V 189
Monday Morning III 134
Monsignor's Blessing, The III 157
*Mooney's Reel II 166
Mora dhuit ar Maidin! V 181
Morning Dew, The I 198
Morning Mist, The V 130
Morning Star, The I 153
Morrison's Reel I 140
Mórtas Chill Dara V 178
Mórthimpeall an Domhain IV 187
Mossy Banks, The (a) II 196
Mossy Banks, The (b) II 216
Mothar Riabhógach I 123
Mother's Delight II 240
Mountain Dew, The I 91
Mountain Lark, The I 84
Mountain Lark, The I 177, I 195, II 291
Mountain Top, The I 93
Mountainy Men, The II 188
Mountcollins V 167
Mourne Mountains, The I 90
Moving Bog, The I 130
Moving Bog of Allen, The II 174
Moving Bogs, The [1] II 174
Moving Bogs, The [2] III 120
Moving in Decency II 252
*Mr. Menzies of Culdares III 165
Mrs. Crehan's Reel III 138
(Martin) Mulhaire's Number Nine V 132
(Martin) Mulhaire's Reel [1] V 131
(Martin) Mulhaire's Reel [2] V 129
Mulhaire's (Reel) II 146, III 183, V 132
Mullingar Races III 107
Mullin's Favourite V 174
Mulloy's Reel I 138
*Mulqueen's II 187
*(Charlie) Mulvihill's II 203
Mungo Kelly I 152
Mungo Ó Ceallaigh I 152
Murphy's Greyhound II 251
Murphy's Reel II 203
(Denis) Murphy's V 122
Murtough Mulloy I 193, III 179, IV 177
Musical Priest, The III 173
Music Club, The I 166
*Music of the Forge, The II 159
Muster Bank, The II 188
My Heart with Love is Breaking I 203, II 213, V 191
My Love between Two Roses IV 197
My Love is fair and handsome II 141
My Love is far away II 145
My Love [is] in America II 271
My Love is in America III 173
My Love is in the House III 173
My Love is Such a Fair One IV 176
McCahill's Reel I 172, III 142
McCaffrey's Reel II 208
McCanny's IV 133(i)
(Josie) McDermott's Reel III 169
McDermott's IV 119
McDonagh's [Reel] [1] III 113
McDonagh's Reel [2] III 207
McFadden's Handsome Daughter II 141
McFadden's [Reel] [1] III 100
McFadden's Reel [2] III 168
McFadden's V 140
McFarley's Reel V 110
(Con) McGinley's IV 168
McGoldrick's Reel II 155
McGovern's Favourite III 83
McGuckian's Reel IV 194
McKenna's Reel III 196
McMahon's Reel II 273
McNamara's Reel II 149
Naoi nArda na Rógaireachta II 264
(Jilly) Neary's Favourite II 254, III 125
Neil Spórtúil III 194
Nelson's Pillar IV 133 (ii)
New Bridge of Erin, The III 172
New Custom House, The III 175
New Custom House, The II 293
New Demesne [or Domain], The II 265
Newmarried Couple, The II 217
New Miss McLeod, The IV 115
New mown Meadows, The I 141
New Policeman, The I 99, III 157
New Policeman, The I 166, IV 119
New Post Office, The V 146
New Potatoes, The II 235
Newpuck Reel, The IV 156
New Road, The IV 113
New Reel, The I 195, II 291
Newry Lass, The II 184
New Tobacco I 130
Nine Points of Roguery, The II 264
Night of the Fun, The IV 174
New Road, New IV 113
Oak Tree, The II 193
(Philip) O'Beirne's Delight I 170
(Dinny) O'Brien's Reel III 145
(Paddy) O'Brien's Reel V 184
O'Callaghan's Reel II 131, III 88
Octhar Deirfiúr is Daichead II 289
O'Connell in Clare III 93
O'Connell's Farewell to Dublin II 231
O'Connell's Reel IV 174
O'Connell's Reel I 84
O'Connell's Trip to Parliament II 217
O'Connell's Trip to Parliament I 193, II 284, III 179
(Thomaisin) O'Dea's Reel I 98
O'Dowd's No. 9 II 165
O'Flynn's Fancy II 198
Oifig Nua an Phoist V 146
Óinsiúlacht Shinéad IV 185
Old Blackthorn, The I 136
Old Bush, The I 105
Old Concertina, The III 115, III 186
Old Grey Gander, The II 222
Old Kerry Cow, The II 263
Old Locks and Quays of Galway, The II 265
Old Maids of Galway, The I 80
Old Molly Ahern II 208
Old Oak Tree, The II 133
Old Pigeon on the Gate I 162
Old Slipper shoe, The II 277
O'Loughlin's Reel II 172, V 120
O'Mahoney's V 130
*On the Road III 182
O'Shaughnessy's Reel IV 148
Otter's Holt, The III 185
Our House at Home II 259
Over the Bridge to Beeta [or Betty] IV 168
Over the Moor to Peggy II 206
Over the Hill I 158, III 103
Paddy Arthur's Pint V 160
Paddy Bolster's Reel I 99
Paddy Breen's Reel III 153
Paddy Carthy's Reel IV 132
*Paddy Cronin's II 290
*Paddy Doorhy's III 189
Paddy Fahey's Reel (i) V 112
Paddy Fahey's Reel (ii) V 113
Paddy Fahey's Reel (iii) V 114
Paddy Finlay's Favourite I 199
Paddy from Clare IV 108
Paddy in London II 225
*Paddy Kelly's II 186
*Paddy McFadden's II 212
Paddy Murphy's Wife III 165
Paddy O'Brien's Reel V 184
Paddy on the Railway III 94
Paddy's gone to France I 80
Paddy's Pet I 106
*Paddy Taylor's [1] II 241
Paddy Taylor's Reel [2] III 154
Pádraig Réice I 145
Pádraig Spóirtiúil I 133
Páirceanna Glasa Bhaile an Ghleanna II 246, III 184
Páirceanna Glasa Ros Beithe I 181
Páirc na Nóiníní I 171, III 151
Pantalúin Ghorma, Na IV 165
Pat the Fowler III 161
Pat Tuohey's Reel I 178
Patsy Tuohey's Favourite I 178
Peaidí a' Chláir IV 108
Peaidí Spórtúil IV 155
Péarla an Achaidh Mhóir II 272
Péarla na gCluainte II 195
Peata Beag is a Mháthair II 259
Peata Gheal do Mháthar II 259
Peata Mamaí [1] I 106
Peata Mhamaí [2] IV 105
Peata Mhamaí [3] IV 189
Peeler's Jacket [or Reel], The III 94
Peeler's Pocket, The II 204
Peggy, is your head sick? I 90
*(Matt) Peoples's II 256
*(Matt) Peoples's II 237
(Matt) Peoples's No. 1 III 121
(Matt) Peoples's [3] III 167
*(Tommy) Peoples' II 166
(Tommy) Peoples's Reel II 191, V 206
Peter hIghne's Single Reel IV 168
Peter Street II 169
Peter Street II 145
Philip O'Beirne's Delight I 170
Phlanc Sinéad an Fíodóir III 139
Pigeon House, The II 284
Pigeon on the Gate, The II 250
Pigeon on the Gate, The III 196
Pigeon on the Pier, The II 250
Pile of Bricks, The III 169
Pinch of Snuff, The II 182
Pinsín Snaoisín, An II 182
Píopaí Greig I 96
Piper's Despair, The III 109
Piper's Favourite, The IV 206
Piper's Lass, The II 208
*Piper's Son, The II 295
Piper's Wedding, The II 177
Planc Sinéad an Fíodóir III 139
Pléaráca an Gheata Bháin V 124
Pléaraca Chaisleán na Finne I 186
Pléaraca Charraig an Chabhaltaigh III 133
Pléaraca Eadarnaí IV 118
Pléaraca Lios an Daill I 191
Pléaraca na Tulaí III 135
Póca an Phíléara II 204
Police Jacket, The III 94
Policeman's Reel, The III 94
Poll an Mhadra Uisce III 185
Polly's Reel I 177, II 292
Pope's Toe, The II 153
Portaigh Chreathacha, Na [1] II 174
Portaigh Chreathacha, Na [2] III 120
Pórtar Dhúlainn III 155
Port na Giobóige V 152
Potlick, The III 85
(John) Potts's Reel IV 188
Práiscín an Mhásúin II 211
Práiscín an Tincéara IV 192
Preston's Reel III 104
Pretty Girl in Danger, The II 145
Pretty Girls of Mayo I 75
Pretty Girls of the Village I 126, I 163
Pretty Molly Brallaghan I 79
Pride of Ahamore II 272
Pride of Cloontia, The II 195
Pride of Kildare, The V 178
Pride of Kildare, The I 203, II 213, V 191
*Pride of Rathmore, The II 290
Pride of the Ball, The III 196
Primrose Girl, The II 150(ii)
Primrose Girl, The II 189
Primrose Lass[es][y], The [1] II 189
Primrose Lass, The [2] IV 110
Prince of Wales' Fancy, The II 153
Pullet, The I 112
Pullet and Cock, The I 112
Punch for the Ladies II 208
Purty Girl, The I 90
Purty Molly Brallaghan I 79
Queen of May, The I 197
Queen of May, The II 254, III 125
*Queen's Shilling, The III 95
Queenstown Lasses, The II 234
Queen's Wedding, The III 196
Quinn's Reel (a) II 137(ii)
Quinn's Reel (b) II 171
Rabairí Terrygolden V 165
Rachel Rae II 174
Rail Road, The IV 129
Railroad, The III 94
Railway Station, The II 208
Rakes of Abbey, The I 177, II 292
Rakes of Drumlish, The I 203, II 213, V 191
Rakes of Terrygolden, The V 165
Rakish Paddy I 145
Rambler's Rest, The III 96
Ram with the crooked horn, The II 145
Ranting Widow, The I 177, II 292
Rásaí an Churraigh I 103, V 154
Rásaí an Mhuilinn Chearr III 107
Rathkeale Hunt, The II 208
Ravelled Hank of Yarn, The I 102
Ray's Rant IV 136
Red Blanket, The II 145
Reel of Bogie, The II 247
Reel of Darragh IV 149
Reel of Mullinavat, The III 153
(John) Reid's Favourite I 83
Reidy's Reel II 250
Reilly's Reel V 175
Repeal of the Union I 129
Reynold's Reel II 146, III 183
Ríl Achadh an Mheasa (i) V 144
Ríl Achadh an Mheasa (ii) V 145
Ríl Aibhistín Uí Thiarnaigh III 111
Ríl an Athar Uí Cheallaigh V 138
Ríl an Bháicéara IV 137
Ríl an Bhreathnaigh I 70
Ríl an Chabháin II 168
Ríl an Chárthaigh II 294
Ríl an Chláir II 138
Ríl an Doire Mhóir IV 164
Ríl an Dúna II 270
Ríl an Fhathaigh III 122
Ríl an Fhir Dhéirce V 137
Ríl an Ghabha I 73
Ríl an Ghabha Uí Raghallaigh V 143
Ríl an Ghlaslocha IV 160
Ríl an Ghleanntáin V 122
Ríl an Lasctha II 184
Ríl an Lisín II 192, III 164
Ríl an Loinsigh I 187
Ríl an Mháistir Mhic Annraoi II 157
Ríl an Mháistir Mhic Dhiarmada IV 119
Ríl an Stáitse IV 208
Ríl an tSlipéir Airgid V 159
Ríl an Tiarna Banff IV 127
Ríl an Tincéara IV 145
Ríl an Tí-Rí IV 178
Ríl Bhean Uí Chroidheáin III 138
Ríl Bhríd Ní Fhloinn III 187
Ríl Cam, An I 107
Ríl Chaoimhín Uí Mhathúna IV 130
Ríl Chiarraí [1] I 181
Ríl Chiarraí [2] IV 112
Ríl Dharach IV 149
Ríl Dhonncha Uí Bhriain III 145
Ríl Dicí Scarlóg II 200
Ríl Eanach Mhic Coilín II 194
Riley's Reel IV 182
Ríl Fhrederic Uí Fhinn III 199
Ríl Ghearóid Uí Chomáin III 203
Ríl Ghearóid Uí Chróinín III 114
Ríl Iníon de Buitléir IV 153
Ríl Jeaic Mhic Ghiolla Phádraig II 225
Ríl Leaicí IV 144
Ríl Liadroma I 183
Ríl Liaim Uí Airt I 110
Ríl Liam II 210, II 220, II 275
Ríl Loch Garman II 215, III 97
Ríl Mháirtín Uí Ainmhire III 91
Ríl Mháirtín Uí Ghaoithín (Uimh. 1) III 206
Ríl Mháirtín Uí Mhaolchéire V 131
Ríl Mháirtín Uí Mhaolchéire, Uimhir a Naoi V 132
Ríl Mhic Aindriú I 163
Ríl Mhic Chárthaigh IV 181
Ríl Mhic Chathail III 142
Ríl Mhic Chionnaith II 279, III 126, IV 135,V 139
Ríl Mhic Chualraic II 155
Ríl Mhic Dhonncha [1] III 113
Ríl Mhic Dhonncha [2] III 207
Ríl Mhícheáil Mhig Laithimh III 170
Ríl Mhic Eoin [1] I 201
Ríl Mhic Eoin [2] III 102
Ríl Mhic Fhearghaile V 110
Ríl Mhic Ghualraic II 155
Ríl Mhic Mhathúna II 273
Ríl Mhic Pháidín [1] III 100
Ríl Mhic Pháidín [2] III 168
Ríl Mhig Eochaín IV 194
Ríl Mhuileann an Bhata III 153
Ríl Phaidí Uí Fhathaigh (i) V 112
Ríl Phaidí Uí Fhathaigh (ii) V 113
Ríl Phaidí Uí Fhathaigh (iii) V 114
Ríl na hAontachta III 197, V 186
Ríl na Conspóide III 162
Ríl na Cordaile I 169
Ríl na Fóisce II 145
Ríl na Gaibhle I 172, III 142
Ríl na Tulaí I 200
Ríl Newpuck IV 156
Ríl Nua Iníon Mhic Leoid IV 115
Ríl Phádraig Táilliúir [1] II 241
Ríl Phádraig Táilliúir [2] III 154
Ríl Phreastúin III 104
Ríl Roscomáin I 202
Ríl Scairteach an Ghlinne II 263
Ríl Sheáin Mhig Uidhir III 105
Ríl Sheáin Mhóir V 141
Ríl Sheáin Potts IV 188
Ríl Sheáin Uí Dhochartaigh [1] II 134, III 149
Ríl Sheáin Uí Dhochartaigh [2] III 177
Ríl Sheáin Uí Shlatara V 198
Ríl Shéamais Uí Ghibealláin III 118
Ríl Sheosaimh Mhic Dhiarmada III 169
Ríl Shingil Pheadair Uí hIghne IV 168
Ríl Sholais Uí Laighléis I 165
Ríl Stafort II 285
Ríl Taimín II 159
Ríl Thaidhg Diolún V 206
Ríl Thaimí Mhic Giolla Dhuinn IV 151
Ríl Thiarna Dhroim an Fhiolair IV 131
Ríl Thomáisín Uí Dheaghdha I 98
Ríl Thomáis Uí Chéin III 152
Ríl Thomáis Uí Chomhain II 140
Ríl Thomáis Uí Fhaoláin II 197, III 87
Ríl Uí Bhógáin IV 107
Ríl Uí Chatháin IV 133 (i)
Ríl Uí Cheallacháin II 131, III 88
Ríl Uí Chonaill IV 174
Ríl Uí Chonghaile III 146
Ríl Uí Chruaidhlaoich I 137
Ríl Uí Chuinn (a) II 137(ii)
Ríl Uí Chuinn (b) II 171
Ríl Uí Dhiolúin I 85
Ríl Uí Dhufaigh IV 171
Ríl Uí Fhriseal IV 203
Ríl Uí Ghormáin [1] II 276
Ríl Uí Ghormáin [2] III 188
Ríl Uí Mhaolmhuaidh I 138
Ríl Uí Mhuirgheasa I 140
Ríl Uí Mhurchú II 203
Ríl Uí Raghallaigh [1] IV 182
Ríl Uí Raghallaigh [2] V 175
Ríl Uí Sheachnasaigh IV 148
Ríl Uí Threabhair III 99
Ríl Wellington [1] I 199
Ríl Wellington [2] II 161, III 110
Rip the Calico II 245, II 274, III 137
Rising of the Sun, The I 136, II 214
Rising Sun, The (a) II 214
Rising Sun, The (b) II 260
Rising Sun, The I 136
Road to Clonmel, The IV 180
Road to Drogheda, The III 189
Road to Dublin, The II 179
Road to Knock, The I 189
Road to Lisdoonvarna, The II 282
Roaring Mary I 161
Rockfield Cottages, The IV 102
Rocks of Antiluce, The I 203, II 213, V 191
Rock the Cradle II 188
Rogha an Chollóra IV 207
Rogha an Ghabha V 193
Rogha an Phíobaire IV 206
Rogha Iníon Uí Cheallaigh II 235
Rogha Iníon Uí Liatháin I 158, III 103
Rogha Mhainistir Eimhín V 189
Rogha Mhic an Tánaiste III 136
Rogha Mhic Fhionnaile III 130
Rogha Mhic Pháidín III 142
Rogha Mhic Shamhráin III 83
Rogha Mhig Fhionnaile III 130
Rogha Phádraig Uí Thuathaigh I 178
Rogha Sheáin Uí Cheallaigh IV 163
Rogha Sheoirse de Faoite I 97
Rogha Thaidhg Uí Chathasaigh III 160
Rogha Thomáis Uí Dhubhda I 115
Rogha Uí Chuileanáin III 116
Rogha Uí Fhloinn II 198
Rogha Uí Mhaoláin V 174
Rogha Uí Mhaolmhuaidh III 148
Roll her in the Haystack II 279, III 126, IV 135, V 139
Roll her in the Rushes IV 204
Roll her in the Rushes I 129
Roll her on the Banks II 208
Rolling down the Hill III 202
Rolling in the Barrel V 111
Rolling on the Ryegrass [or Banks] II 208
Roll out the barrel I 177, II 292
Roly Poly V 132
Rós Aontroma III 147
Roscommon Reel, The I 202
Rose in the Garden, The II 150
Rose of Castletown, The I 159
Rothaí an Domhain I 168
Rough Road, The II 146, III 183
Round the World IV 187
Rover, The I 193, III 179, IV 177
Rud ar bith do Sheán Joe? II 192, III 164
Russians are Coming, The V 151
(James) Ryan's Favourite I 72
(Seán) Ryan's Favourite III 174
Ryan's Rant IV 136
Ryan's Reel III 116
Sagart an Cheoil III 173
Sailor's Bonnet, The I 157
Sailor's Farewell [or Return], The II 146, III 183
Sailor's Jacket, The III 113
Salamanca I 146, II 209
Salamanca I 193, II 172, II 284, III 179, V 120
Salamander I 146, II 209
Sally Gardens, The I 100
Sally Grant III 130
Sally Kelly III 85
Sally on the Shore I 144
Samhradh in Éirinn, An II 165
Sandpiper, The III 170
Sandymount, The III 170
Saol ar Fad i nGrá Liom, An IV 122
Sarah's Reel II 179
Sarsfield March II 282
Scartaglen Reel, The II 263
Sceach, An I 119
Scotch Bonnet, The I 177, II 292
Scotch Braes, The II 250
Scotch Hunt, The V 176
Scotch Maggie I 177, II 292
Scotch Patriot's Reel, The I 203, II 213, V 191
Scotch Rose, The I 203, II 213, V 191
Seachtar Súgach, An III 163
Seanbhróigín Bhog, An t- II 277
Sean-Cholúr ar an nGeata, An I 162
Seanchrann Darach, An II 133
Sean-Draighneán, An I 136
Seán Frank I 182
Seanghandal Liath, An II 222
Seán is Sinéad II 297
Sean-Mháire Ní Eachtighearn II 208
Seán Ó Braonáin as Sligeach I 160
Seán Ó Comhaltáin IV 142
Seán Ryan's Favourite III 174
Seomra in Uachtar, An I 130
Setting of the Sun, The IV 103
Shannon Breeze, The II 208, III 173
(O')Shaughnessy's Reel IV 148
*Sheehan's Reel II 161, III 110
*Shepherd's Daughter, The II 230
Shepherd in [or on] the Gap III 94
(Dicky) Sherlock's Reel II 200
Shores of Ballybunnion, The V 128
Shores of Lough Reagh II 197, III 87
Short Way to Heaven, A I 177, II 292
Showman's Reel, The II 247
Shuffle Reel, The III 102
Siamsaíocht an Rianaigh IV 136
Silver Slipper Reel, The V 159
Sinéad ag Bailiú Ruacan V 208
Sinéad agus an Easóg V 156
Síos na Bruacha le Máire V 133
Silver Spear, The I 141
Silver Spire, An I 164
Silver Mines, The I 89
Silvermines, The I 185
Silver Mountain, The I 141
Six Mile Bridge III 173
Skylark, The I 156
Slán an Mhairnéalaigh II 146
Slán le Connachta III 98
Slán le hÉireann I 139
Slán leis an bhFraoch IV 109
Slán Uí Chonaill le Baile Átha Cliath II 231
Slash away the Pressing Gang II 282
Slashing Reel, The II 184
(John) Slattery's Reel V 198
Sliabh Bána I 141
Sligo Dandy, The I 111
Sligo Maid, The I 124
Slipéir Iníon Nic Pháidín II 227, III 180
Sméideadh na Meidhre Maisí IV 167
Smiles and Tears of Erin, The I 101
Smólach sa Stoirm, An I 167
Solus Lillis's Reel I 165
Sore Foot, The I 92
Speed the Plough [1] II 160
Speed the Plough [2] III 92
Speedy Roasted Fadge, The IV 125
Spéirbhean an Locha IV 125
Spence's Reel II 247
Spey in Spate, The V 210
Spike Island Lasses, The I 143
Spike Island Lasses II 172, V 120
*Spindleshanks II 187
Spiora Airgid, An I 164
Sporting Days of Easter II 281, V 149
Sporting Molly I 182
Sporting Nell III 194
Sporting Paddy [1] I 133
Sporting Paddy [2] IV 155
Spout Reel, The I 155
Sráid Bolton IV 201
Sráid Pheadair II 169
Stafford's Reel II 285
Stage Reel, The IV 208
Stay for Another While III 127
Steampacket, The I 84
Steeplechase, The III 90
Steeplechase, The III 196
(John) Stewart's V 210
Stone in the Field, The I 104
Stoney Step, The I 149
Stormy Weather III 93
Strac an mhuc an léine II 208
Streancán an Iascaire I 126
Stróic an Ceaileacó II 245, II 274, III 137
Súgradh na hOíche Aréir [1] II 215, III 97
Súgradh na hOíche Aréir [2] III 193
(Dan) Sullivan's Reel I 182
Summer in Ireland II 165
Sunny Banks, The I 148
Swallow's Tail, The III 196
*Sweeney's Dream III 108
Sweeney's Reel I 75
*Sweet Biddy of Ballyvourney II 159
Sweet Biddy of Ballyvourney I 75
Sweet Molly I 177, II 292
Sweet Roslea and the sky over it II 145
Sword in Hand I 144
Tabhair Amach agus Taispeán don Saol Í IV 135
Tabhair Fiucadh don Chiteal go Luath V 199
Tabhair Casadh di sa Choca Féir II 279, III 126, IV 135, V 139
Tabhair Casadh sa Luachair Di IV 204
Tabhair Póg don Bhrídeoig sa Leaba I 150
Tabhair Póg don Gearrchaile taobh thiar den Bhairille I 74, V 170
Tá Cornaí ag Teacht III 173
Tae Glas IV 95
T[h]aidhg, a Rún, A II 150 (i)
Tailor's Thimble, The [1] I 125
Tailor's Thimble, The [2] V 153
Táim gan Airgead II 137
Tá Jack Beo IV 116
Take Her Out and Air Her II 279, III 126, IV 135, V 139
*Take Your Choice III 178
Take Your Hand Away III 196
Tameen's Reel II 159
Tá na Rúisigh ag Teacht V 151
Tansey's Favourite III 136
Tap House, The I 177, II 292
Tap Room, The I 177, I 197, II 292, V 111
Tap the Barrel II 266
Tarraing thar timpeall an Bhóthair í I 112
Tartan Plaid, The I 146, II 209
Tá Seáinín bailithe leis chun na Fraince III 204
*(Paddy) Taylor's [1] II 241
(Paddy) Taylor's Reel [2] III 154
Teach Annesbrook IV 123
Teach ar an gCoirnéal, An I 120
Teach Ashmolean IV 200
Teach Bhaile an Chuain IV 121
Teachíní Ghort na gCloch IV 102
Teach Nua an Chustaim III 175
Teampall an Ghleanntáin (a) II 153
Teampall an Ghleanntáin (b) II 280
Tear the Calico II 245, II 274, III 137
Tee Ree Reel, The IV 178
Telegraph, The II 208
Templeglantine Reel, The (a) II 153
Templeglantine Reel, The (b) II 280
*Terence's Ramble III 178
Thady Casey's Fancy III 160
Thar an gCnoc I 158, III 103
Thatcher's Mallet, The V 155
Thomaisin O'Dea's Reel I 98
Thornberry's I 195, II 291
Thornbush, The I 119
Thresh the Feathers I 195, II 291
Through the Fields II 172, II 179, V 120
Through the Heather II 235
Thrush in the Storm, The I 167
Thuas Staighre i bPuball II 190
Tiarna Gordon I 203, II 213, V 191
Tiarna Mac Dónaill, An III 200, IV 184
Tiarna Wellington [1] I 199
Tiarna Wellington [2] II 160, III 110
(Austin) Tierney's [Reel] III 111
Tie the Bonnet III 96
Tie the Ribbons [1] II 284, II 286
Tie The Ribbons [2] I 193, III 179, IV 177
Tim Dillon's V 206
Tim Mulloney I 88
Tim Ó Maoldómhnaigh I 88
Timothy Downing I 106
Timour the Tartar II 169
Timpeall an tSeomra IV 106
Tinker's Apron, The II 152
Tinker's Bib, The IV 192
Tinker's Occupation, The IV 186
Tinker's Reel, The IV 145
Tinker's Stick, The I 99
Tirnaskea Lasses, The IV 202
Tit for Tat I 113
Tom Billy's III 92, V 146
Tom Dowd's Favourite I 115
Tom Fitzmorris' V 188
Tom Keane's Reel III 152
Tommy Coen's Reel II 140
Tommy Gunn's Reel IV 151
*Tommy Peoples' II 166
Tommy Peoples's (Reel) II 191, V 206
Tommy Whelan's Reel II 197, III 87
Tom Steele I 196, II 156
Tom the Fisherman I 150
Tom Ward's Downfall I 90
Tonn an Atlantaigh V 166
Top of the Cliff, The I 141
Top of the Morning!, The V 181
Tor Spionán, An II 262
Toss the Feathers [1] I 195, II 291
Toss the Feathers [2] III 112
Tralee Lasses, The I 185
Trasna an Mhóinteáin go Peige II 206
Traver[s]'s Reel III 99
*Travers's Reel II 202
Trim the Bonnet I 193, II 284, III 179
Trim the Velvet III 85
Trip to Durrow, The I 127
Trip to Kinvara, The V 160
Tuehey's Reel II 247
Tuile sa Spé, An V 210
Tuíodóir Aerach, An IV 134
Túiséara, An III 140
Tulla Reel I 200
(Patsy) Tuohey's Favourite I 178
Tuohey's Favourite Reel I 178
(Pat) Tuohey's Reel I 178
Turas go Darmhagh, An I 127
Turas Uí Chonaill go dtí an Pharlaimint II 217
*Tuttle's Reel II 223
Twelve Locks, The III 102
Twinbrothers' Reel, The I 99
Twister, The III 102
Two Birds in the Tree II 232
*Ugly Customer, An II 151
Union Reel, The III 197, V 186
Union Reel, The III 102
Unfortunate Cup of Tea, The II 278
Up against the Boughalauns I 158, III 103
Upper Room, The I 130
Upstairs in a Tent II 190
Upstairs in a Tent III 96
Up to Your Knees in Sand III 159
Victor Wild III 102
Victory Reel III 134
Village in the Grove, The III 83
Village Reel, The III 196
Volunteer, The II 268
Wake up, Susan II 211
Wallace Twins, The I 130
Walsh's Favourite I 199
Walsh's Reel I 70
Wandering Tinker, The II 250
Waterloo Reel, The I 203, II 213, V 191
Wellington's Reel [1] I 199
Wellington's Reel [2] II 161, III 110
West Gale, The II 247
*West Mabou Reel, The I 80
Westmeath Hunt, The III 102
West Wind, The I 72
Wexford Reel, The II 215, III 97
What the devil ails him [or you]? II 208
Wheels of the World, The I 168
(Tommy) Whelan's Reel II 197, III 87
Whiskey in the Jar [or Jug] II 265
*Whistler and His Dog, The IV 137
White-haired Piper, The III 89
White Leaf, The IV 191
White Mountain, The I 141
*(Aggie) White's II 186
(George) White's Favourite I 97
Widow, The IV 168
Wild Irishman, The I 171, II 254, III 125, III 151
Wild Salamanca, The I 146, II 209
Wind that Shakes the Barley, The III 202
Windy Gap I 81, III 129
Wise Maid, The III 158
Witch of the Glen, The I 181
Within a Mile of Dublin II 179
Woman of the House, The I 86
Woman of the House, The I 71
Women's Rock, The II 178
(Martin) Wynnes's (no. 1) Reel III 206
Yeoman's Reel, The II 247
Youngest Daughter, The I 177, II 292
You're a long time courting II 179
You're right my Love I 126, II 257
Your Mother's Fair Pet II 259
untitled (and unidentified):
II 139, 142, 162, 173, 175, 218, 224, 242.
IV 96, 101, 111, 124, 126, 139, 140, 141, 146, 154, 157, 158, 161, 162, 175, 179, 183, 190, 193, 198, 199, 209.
V 120(ii), 125, 126, 127, 134, 135, 136, 142, 162, 164, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 177, 179, 180, 183, 190, 194, 195, 196, 197, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207.
Cornphíopaí Hornpipes |
All Around III 221
*Athlone, The III 217
Avondale, The III 224
Baitsiléir Cúthail, An (a) III 214
Baitsiléir Cúthail, An (b) III 215
Bank of Turf, The III 209
Banríon na Sióg III 230
Bashful Bachelor, The (a) III 214
Bashful Bachelor, The (b) III 215
Bhí a Folt go hÓrga ag Casadh Síos V 214
Billy Taylor's Fancy V 216
Blackbird, The I 207
Bóthar go Mainistir na Búille, An III 227
Breen's Hornpipe III 226
Brian the Brave II 311, III 222
Brighton Hornpipe, The V 223
Brown Chest [or Coffer], The I 210
Byrne's Hornpipe I 208
By the Old Fairy Fort V 214
Caisleán an Óir III 223
(Micky O')Callaghan's Favourite I 214
(O')Callaghan's Hornpipe II 308
Captain Moss's Hornpipe III 221
Carolan's Dream II 311, III 222
Casadh an Táilliúra III 213
(Scully) Casey's III 212
Castle of Gold, The III 223
Chuir mé feisteas ar mo Theachsa I 205
Ciumhais na Móna V 223
*Clar Hornpipe, The II 300
Cleite na Péacóige [1] III 218
Cleite na Péacóige [2] III 219
Coldier's Hornpipe IV 221
Comhra Donn, An I 210
(Tom) Connor's Hornpipe II 304
Constantine Hornpipe V 216
Cornphíopa an Bhreathnaigh II 312
Cornphíopa an Dreoilín II 314
Cornphíopa an Fhlaitheartaigh III 224
Cornphíopa an Tiarna Wilson V 213
Cornphíopa an Tíogair V 211
Cornphíopa Ghréagóra IV 217
Cornphíopa Mhic Dhiarmada II 299
Cornphíopa Mhic Ghearailt II 305
Cornphíopa Mhic Ghiolla Easbaig II 306
Cornphíopa Mhicí Uí Chonaill V 216
Cornphíopa Mhic Labhráis II 309
Cornphíopa na Leamhchoille III 229
Cornphíopa na Lorgan IV 221
Cornphíopa Phádraig Uí Bhriain III 217
Cornphíopa Sheán Seosamh Mhig Fhionnáin III 210
Cornphíopa Sheoirse Uí Roghallaigh I 206
Cornphíopa Thomáis IV 212
Cornphíopa Thomáis a Chnoic I 212
Cornphíopa Thomáis Uí Chonchúir II 304
Cornphíopa Uí Bhraoin III 226
Cornphíopa Uí Bhroin I 208
Cornphíopa Uí Cheallacháin II 308
Cornphíopa Uí Chróinín II 303
Cornphíopa Uí Dhonnchaidh II 301
Cornphíopa Uí Dhuilleáin III 220
Cornphíopa Uí Eachaigh II 311, III 222
Cornphíopa Uí Loingsigh IV 215
Cornphíopa Uí Mhaolchaoine III 211
Cornphíopa Uí Mhathúna III 225
Cornphíopa Uí Mhurchadha I 213
Cronin's Hornpipe II 303
*Cuckoo Hornpipe, The II 307
Cuckoo's Nest [or Hornpipe], The III 221
Daichead is Dathúil II 302
Dan Sullivan's Favourite V 212
*Delahunty's III 227
Dillane's Hornpipe III 220
Diúc Laighean V 223
Dolly Varden, The V 221
*Dublin Hornpipe, The II 307
Duke of Leinster, The V 223
*Duke's Retreat II 313
Dundee II 298
Dunphy's Hornpipe II 301
Fair and Forty II 302
Fairy Queen, The III 230
Fitzgerald's Hornpipe II 305
Five Pound Note, The V 223
Flaherty's Hornpipe III 224
*Flowers of Antrim, The II 299
Frank Roche's Favourite V 211
(John Joe) Gannon's Hornpipe III 210
General Coope III 208
George Rawley's Hornpipe I 206
Gillespie's Hornpipe II 306
Good Ax Elve III 221
Gregory's Hornpipe IV 217
Gypsy Hornpipe V 212
Happy Couple, the III 228
Hatter's Hornpipe, The III 225
Hawk(e)'s Hornpipe II 311, III 222
Hennessy's V 223
Her Golden (or Lovely) Hair was Curling Down V 214
(Tom) Hill's Hornpipe I 212
Humours of Tuamgraney, The II 310
Humours of Tullycreen, The I 205
I furnished my House I 205
Jack and his Trousers III 221
*Jack O'Neill's Fancy III 216
Jacky Tar III 221
John Joe Gannon's Hornpipe III 210
Johnny Cope III 208
John Roche's Favourite V 211
Jolly Butchers, The III 213
Kelly's V 223
Kerry Hornpipe, A III 227
Kildare Fancy, The II 298
Kildare Hornpipe, The V 223
Lawson's Hornpipe II 309
Liverpool Breakdown, The I 204
Londubh, An I 207
Lord Wilson's V 213
Loughill Hornpipe, The III 229
Lurgan Hornpipe IV 221
Lynch's Hornpipe IV 215
Magh Luirg II 315
(O')Mahony's Hornpipe III 225
Mahony's Hornpipe III 226
M[h]aidhdeog, An IV 213
Mailí Nic Ailpín II 311, III 222
Man of War Hornpipe, The V 216
Micky Connell's Hornpipe V 216
Micky O'Callaghan's Favourite I 214
Miss Dunphy's Hornpipe II 301
Miss Lacey's [or Lucey's] IV 214
Móinteán, An III 209
Moll Halfpenny II 311, III 222
Molly Mac Alpin II 311, III 222
Mona's Delight IV 214
Mountain Top, The III 221
Mower, The III 221
Mrs. Galvin's Favourite I 211
Mulqueeny's Hornpipe III 211
Murphy's Hornpipe I 213
McDermott's Hornpipe II 299
Nead na Cuaiche III 221
New College Hornpipe, A III 224
Number One II 313
*Obelisk III 214
(Paddy) O'Brien's Hornpipe III 217
(Micky) O'Callaghan's Favourite I 214
O'Callaghan's Hornpipe II 308
O'Mahony's Hornpipe III 225
O'Neill's Hornpipe V 223
Paddy O'Brien's Hornpipe III 217
Paul Ha'penny II 311, III 222
Peacock's Feather, The [1] III 218
Peacock's Feather, The [2] III 219
Peggy Morrissey V 223
Pivot, The IV 213
Plains of Boyle, The II 315
Pléaraca Thuaim Gréine II 310
Poll Ha'penny II 311, III 222
Prendiville's Hornpipe III 225
Pretty Maggie Morrissey V 223
Ránaí, An I 209
Ranger, The I 209
(George) Rawley's Hornpipe I 206
Rick's Rambles III 210
Road to Boyle, The III 227
(John or Frank) Roche's Favourite V 211
Rogha Bhean Uí Ghealbháin I 211
Rogha Chill Dara II 298
Rogha Dhónaill Uí Shúilleabháin V 212
Rogha Mhicí Uí Cheallacháin I 214
Scuabaire, An III 216
*Scully Casey's III 212
Siar an Cnoc III 228
Signora Ferze's Hornpipe V 211
*Sligo Fancy, The II 299
Spealadóir, An III 221
Splendid Hornpipe, A IV 222
Sports of Listowel, The III 228
(Dan) Sullivan's Favourite V 212
Sweeney's III 216
Sweep's, The III 216
Tailor's Twist, The III 213
Tara Brooch, The III 217
(Billy) Taylor's Fancy V 216
Thomas's Hornpipe IV 212
Tiger Hornpipe, The V 211
Tí is a Rian, An V 217
Tom Connor's Hornpipe II 304
Tomgraney Castle II 310
Tom Hill's Hornpipe I 212
Trí is a Rian, An V 217
Union Hornpipe, The II 298
Walsh's Hornpipe II 312
Western, The III 217
West the Hill III 228
Wexford Hornpipe, The V 223
Wicklow Hornpipe, The III 227
Widow's Fancy, The II 304
Wily Old Bachelor, The III 214
Wren's Hornpipe, The II 314
Yellow Heifer, The III 221
untitled and unidentified:
IV 210, 211, 216, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225.
V 215, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224.
Set dances. |
Drunken Gauger, The III 61
John O'Dwyer of the glen III 60
Seán Ó Duibhir an Ghleanna III 60
Túiséara ar a Mheisce, An III 61
Listed below are tunes, songs, airs, etc., mentioned in the text notes in reference to the tunes in CRÉ, but distinct from them. The tune numbers listed are thus not necessarily versions of the melodies listed; rather, they refer to the text note containing the reference to the melody in question. Some of the melodies below are themselves given in CRÉ, and these are also found in the general index.
Under Double Jigs: see note on: |
Apples in Winter II 7, II 22
Ask my Father II 8
Better than Worse V 52
Blooming Meadows, The I 18
Big Bow Wow II 14
Bohola Jig, The V 44
Brian O'Lynn V 36
Buachaillín Óg II 14
Burnt Old Man, The II 9
Castlebar Races, The IV 22
Chorus Jig, The V 2
Christmas Day in the Morning I 43
Clancy's Jig V 37
Cobbler, The II 36
Corporal Casey II 19
County Courtship II 19
Cruach Mhártain V 44
Did you see my man looking for me? II 14, II 39
Eviction, The I 23
Father O'Flynn IV 17
Finerty's Frolic I 4
Foxhunt, The III 19
Foxy Mary II 49, V 52
Free Masons, The II 19
From the Court to the Cottage II 10
Galway [or Galloway] Tom I 27
Geese in the Bog, The IV 22
Girls of the West II 10
Goat's Horns, The I 27
Gold Ring, The I 12
Gudgeon of Maurice's Car, The I 2
Haste to the Wedding II 19
Housemaid, The I 28
Humours of Ballingarry, The I 15
Humours of Kilkee, The V 52
Hunt of the Hound and the Hare, The III 19
I gave to my Nelly II 10
In Bartholemew Fair II 19
Jackson's Fancy V 3
Jackson's Frieze Coat V 20
Joe Cooley's Jig V 44
Katy's Rambles V 37
Kilfenora Jig, The V 2
Ladies march to the Ballroom, The I 31
Ladies' Triumph, The V 37
Lasses of Melross, The I 4
Lesbia Hath a Beaming Eye V 8
Lullaby for Irish Pipes I 12
Lumps of Pudding III 21
Maiden that Jigs it in Style, The V 39
Máire Inis Toirc I 29
Merry Maiden, The I 36
Morrison's Fancy IV 22
Move up to me II 14
Munster Lass I 16
Nóra Chríonna IV 22
Oak Stick, The V 52
Off to the Races III 10
Oh hag you have killed me II 8
Old Grey Goose, The I 53
Old Slipper Shoe, The I 41
Old Woman Lamenting Her Empty Purse, The I 7
One-legged Man, The I 27
Paddy McGinty's Goat II 19
Petticoat Loose (or Scaoilte) II 10
Pharroh, The, or War March I 12
Pretty Young Girls for Sale V 27
Races at Carrick, The I 33
Saddle the Pony I 28
Scheme, The II 19
Seanduine Dóite, An II 9
Short Grass, The I 22
Snout and Ears of America, The II 19
Spotted Cow, The I 27
Star at Liwis II 19
Stolen Purse, The I 7
Tailor's Thimble, The V 23
Thady you Gander II 10
Three Little Drummers, The I 24
Tim Hogan's Jig I 26
Thrush's Nest, The I 27
'Tis sweet to think II 10
Tobin's Favourite V 27
Top of Cork Road, The IV 17
Tumble the Tinker I 10
Up Sligo V 18
Welcome home, royal Charlie III 5
Willy Walsh's Jig I 36
Wreath the Bowl I 1
You'll go a hunting no more II 28
Under single jigs and slides: see note on: |
Under single jigs and slides: see note on:
Arra Kitty be easy II 65
Auld Inn, The IV 60
Ballahaboy Fair II 65
Beardless Boy, The II 68
Bog Carrot, The IV 62
Captain Francis Wemyss IV 62
Cat in the Corner, The V 81
Chailleach, do Mhairís Mé IV 56
Cois Abhann i nDé V 81
Dissipated Youth, The II 68
Frieze Breeches, The I 61
Gallagher's Frolics I 61
Galway Reel, A II 58
Ghile Beag le m'Anam Thú I 60
Giolla na Scríob II 68
I'd rather be married than left II 79
I know what Nancy wants II 63
Irish Minuet I 60
Jim Keeffe's (polka) II 77
Kate Kearney II 68
Kishkeam Lasses, The II 81
Leather Buttons II 58
Long John's Wedding March IV 66
Mill Stream I 60
My Love Nell II 90
Oh hag, you have killed me IV 56
Pandean Air III 40
Pay the Girl her Fourpence IV 74
Peacock Set of Quadrilles III 40
Rosie Finn's Favourite V 68
Seanbhean Chríon an Drantáin II 68
Seán Buí IV 54
There's nae luck about the house I 60
Those Evening Bells Reel IV 62
Tristram Shandy II 65
Vauxhall Dance III 40
Western Lasses, The IV 62
Yellow John IV 54
Under slip jigs: see note on: |
Beesom, The II 96
Bisim in the Kitchen, The II 96
Boban John I 63, I 65
Bobbing Joan I 63
Bottle of Wine, The II 104
Butterfly, The I 63, I 65
Cailín Lasa Sál Roc II 101
Cam' Ye O'er frae France? I 63, I 65
Dandies gone a Roaming, The II 96
Drops of Brandy IV 48
Drunken Gauger, The II 98
Dublin Boys, The II 101
Dublin Streets II 101
Fill the Bumper Fair I 63
Foxhunters' Jig, The I 64
Gáire na mBan II 101
I have a Wife of my Own IV 44
Jig an dá Thuistiún II 63
Love and Whiskey I 63
Munster Rake, The II 98
Nead na Lachan sa mBúta I 64
One Bumper at Parting II 93
Sail around the Rocks, The IV 32
She is fit for a kiss II 101
Táim in Arrears II 93, II 98
Under polkas & single reels: see note on: |
All-Star Barn Dance, The V 95
An bhfaca tú mo Shéamaisín? III 62
Blue Ribbon, The V 85
Bonnie Lass of Livingston, The II 110
Favourite Highland Quick Step. 73rd Regt., A II 110
Finnegan's Wake IV 83
Fowney IV 78
Gol na mBan san Ár II 118
High Cauled Cap, The II 110
Highland Lad my Love was born, A II 115
Huntsman's Chorus, The V 85
Miss McLeod's Reel V 90
Nova Scotia (Barn Dance) V 95
Rosc Catha na Mumhan II 124
Thadelo's (hornpipe) V 103
Uaill-chumha na Féinne II 115
Wee Geordie has lost his Plinker IV 82
Under reels: see note on: |
Along the River Banks V 158
Baltimore Reel, The IV 124
Bird on the Tree, The II 232
Bird in the Bush, The II 232
Bog Carrot, The V 158
Boys of the Lough, The IV 119
Bridal O't, The I 154
Cailleach an Airgid II 277
Cameron House V 175n
Cameronian Reel, The III 148
Captain Francis Wemyss V 158
Chorus Jig, The III 182
Claíomh i Láimh, An IV 112
Coalminer, The V 147
Colliers, The III 98
Colonel Frazer III 148
Copperplate, The I 145
Cossey's Jig I 79
Crossing the Fields II 149
Doon Reel, The V 151
(O')Dowd's Favourite I 193, III 179, IV 177, IV 178, V 154
Down the Broom II 221, III 171
Dublin Lasses II 289
Edenderry Reel, The I 96
Eileen Curran II 239
Fairhaired Mary III 123
Fair Wind to Greenland, A IV 101
Fairy Hurlers, The I 199
Fife Reel, The II 184
Flower of the Flock, The IV 176
Follow me down to Carlow I 107
Four Courts, The IV 183
Geordie Afleck II 191
George Gubbin's Delight V 175n
Ginley's Fancy IV 132
Glenmore Hunt, The I 98
Glentown V 122n
Glory Reel, The II 162
Gravel Walks, The II 238
Green Garters, The III 85
Green Trees of Athol, The I 140
Handsome Sally IV 132
Holly Bush, The I 93
Humours of the Priest's House, The II 188
Humours of Schull, The V 175n
I'm O'er Young to Marry Yet II 198
Ivy Leaf, The III 131
James Ryan's Favourite I 72
Jenny Picking Cockles III 204
Jenny's Welcome to Charlie V 156
Jim McKillop's IV 208
Jimmy O'Brien's Jig I 79
John Brennan's II 173
John Stenson's No. 2 V 121
Jolly Pigeons, The IV 117
Jolly Tinker, The IV 187
Kate Kelly's Fancy I 102, II 270, V 151
Keel Row, The V 133
Kiss the Bride in Bed III 191
Kitty's Gone a-Milking V 189
Lady Baird's Strathspey IV 196
Lady Mary Lindsay I 126
Lady South's Reel IV 124
Lancers, The II 287
Lass of Carrowcastle, The I 97, II 144
Lochiel's awa to France but he'll come again II 247
Lománach Cross II 263
Lord Kelly's Reel [or Strathspey] V 175n
Maeve's Reel IV 208
Maid I First Courted, The V 158
Maid of Feakle, The III 192
Maids of Castlebar, The V 110
Maids of Mitchelstown, The II 280
Maids of Tipperary, The III 191
Man of the House, The IV 132
Mason's Apron, The IV 191
Miss Gunning's Delight [or Fancy] V 161
Miss Pensy Macdonald now Lady Belhaven's Reel III 134n
Miss Langford V 201
Miss McLeod's II 205
Mo Cheoil Sibh a Laochra V 175n
Mountain Rose, The II 247
Mullingar Races IV 149
McFadden's Favourite I 172, III 142, IV 111
Nellie O'Donovan I 102, II 270, V 151
New Line to Dublin, The IV 146
New Post Office, The V 122n
New-mown Meadow, The II 242
O'Dowd's Favourite I 193, III 179, IV 177, IV 178, V 154
O'Keeffe's Dream V 122n
O'Keeffe's Speed the Plough V 201
Old Grey Gander, The V 175n
On the Sly II 247
Paddy Carthy's Reel IV 132
Peigín Leitir Mór I 75
Prince of Wales's Reel, The IV 157
Rainy Day, The IV 170
Raveled Hank of Yarn, The II 270, V 151
Reidy's Reel I 143
Richard Dwyer's I 93
Road to Cashel, The I 190, III 143
Roscommon Reel, The II 227, III 180
Rose Mary IV 129
Sailor's Return, The II 239
Seán sa Cheo II 297
Siege of Ennis, The I 126
Sligo Maid, The V 183
Sporting Pat I 145
Sword in Hand IV 112
Tartan Plaid, The V 204
Those Evening Bells V 158
Trim the Bonnet II 286
Walsh's Favourite I 199
Western Lasses, The V 158
Where Are You Going, My Pretty Maid? IV 157
Wind the Shakes the Barley, The III 156
Within a Mile of Dublin V 184
Yankee Doodle II 282
Under hornpipes: see note on: |
Come Ashore Jolly Tar and your Trousers on III 221
Groves, The III 208, III 209
Gypsy Princess, The V 221
Honeysuckle, The IV 222
Lady Ann Hope V 211
Leinster Hornpipe, The II 306
O'Carolan's Farewell to Music II 311, III 222
War Song (Remember the Glories of Brian the Brave) II 311, III 222
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