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Nigel Gatherer's Self Study Tutorials
 Nigel Gatherer's Self Study Tutorials
Mandolin Tutorials
9) The Skye Boat Song

chas.gif - 11KbThe words of this popular Scottish song were written by Sir Harold Boulton in 1884. The first half of the tune is said to be an old sea shanty.

Charles Edward Stewart, the Young Pretender or Bonnie Prince Charlie, was defeated by the Duke of Cumberland at Culloden in 1746. Aided by Flora MacDonald, Charles escaped to the island of Skye. The song commemorates his flight.

Of course, it helps if you know this tune, but even if you don't, try to get the ryhthm from the outset. Many of the bars have a lilting 3/4 rhythm: ONE-two-THREE, etc.

The Skye Boat Song
fuin.gif - 9Kb

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Perthshire |