Gatherer's Musical Museum
Scottish Music Books
• J S Kerr's Publications
When I was a teenager, I bought an old, battered tunebook in a flea market, and I used it to teach myself how to read music, mostly by trial and error (I wouldn't recommend this method!). That book turned out to be Kerr's Merry Melodies Book 1, and it started a great interest in the Kerr's music publishing business which, although shrouded in mystery, forms a large part of traditional music history in Scotland.
• A Scots Music Bibliography
Oh, how I love tunebooks - they have given me countless hours of bliss. The bibliography project is the start of an attempt to catalogue books of Scottish dance tunes, and while it will likely never be finished, it will certainly keep me out of trouble!
• The Pigpipe Press
Since publishing my first book in 1985, I have since published more than 70 books in various formats. My imprint, The Pigpipe Press, published mostly small music books of Scottish tunes and songs. Visit my online store to see what books are available in detail, or get an idea of the extent of the catalogue at a glance.