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Nigel Gatherer's Music Events
 Nigel Gatherer's Music Events
 Nigel Gatherer's Music Events

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Events can be concerts, festivals, musical assemblies, etc. They can be one-offs, annual or completely irregular. In my musical career I have organised or been involved with many events, and I expect there will be a few more before my time's up. In these pages will be information about past and future events. Click on the links below for further details.

  • End of an Era
    My last class for the Scots Music Group, 12th June 2024.
  • Crieff Arts Festival
    An annual small festival of the arts.
  • Crieff Remembers
    An one-off festival in 2017 to commemorate the centenary of Passchendaele and WW1.
  • Bonnie Strathearn
    A special concert by Crieff Community Band.
  • Edinburgh Folk Club
    A concert featuring Nigel Gatherer and Eddie Seaman.
Nigel Gatherer's Music Events
 Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Perthshire |