Mixter Maxter - a Scots expression meaning "topsy-turvey" or "all mixed up" - combines high quality music with an introduction to the joy of playing with other people. A day of mixed instrument workshops where the group learns some tunes and collaborates to arrange them in an interesting, attractive and exciting way. Suitable for most instruments, and most temperaments; everybody gets a lot out of it.
Mixter Maxter moves around; we've been in North Fife, East Lothian, Peebles, Cardrona, Glasgow and by the Crinan Canal. All that is required is a good hall and someone local for liaison. If you would like Mixter Maxter to come to your area, get in touch, and we can talk about it.
Click on the links on the right to access photos and music from previous workshops, and for details about upcoming Mixter Maxter workshops, follow the links below.
The next Mixter Maxter Workshops: