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 Mixter Maxter 28
Booking/Payment Methods
You may use the buttons below to make payment for the workshops. You have the choice to pay a deposit or the full fee; a deposit gurantees your place on the workshop. Alternatively, transfer money to my bank account (details below). If you really hate online banking, you may send a cheque.

Mixter Maxter 28a
29th March
Mixter Maxter 28b
5th April
Payment with credit/debit card: Payment with credit/debit card:



To pay through online banking:
Nigel Gatherer Business Account
My sort Code: 87-44-31 My account No: 78170068

To pay by cheque:
Nigel Gatherer, 8 Mitchell St, Crieff PH7 3AG

Coming to Eddleston
Coming to Burntisland
  1. Adelheid Cooney flute
  2. Alison Shannon whistle
  3. Allan Sturrock mandolin
  4. Brigid Daniel whistle
  5. Catherine Gifford whistle
  6. Cathy Davidson fiddle
  7. Carole Ross hammer dulcimer
  8. Christine Proudfoot harmonica
  9. Colin MacLean guitar
  10. Dave Owen guitar
  11. David Williamson whistle
  12. Derek Mullins bouzouki
  13. Derek Shannon mandolin
  14. Diane Mullins flute
  15. Doreen McBarnet whistle
  16. Elaine Armstrong fiddle
  17. George Davidson mandolin
  18. Glen Bramley whistle
  19. Hellen MacPherson fiddle
  20. Iris Howitt whistle
  21. Jill Snowdon ukulele
  22. Joe Alves definitely fiddle
  23. Katrina Morrison whistle
  24. Lesley Brown fiddle
  25. Margaret Moir whistle
  26. Margaret Potter fiddle
  27. Marie Elaine Maguire flute
  28. Myles Lobjoie harmonica
  29. Richard Proudfoot guitar
  30. Roger Browne mandolin
  31. Sue Dewar ukulele
  32. Sue Owen fiddle
  33. Tom Benton mandolin
  34. Tom Fernie mandolin
  35. Tom Ogston mandolin
  36. Vicky Pearson whistle
  1. Alastair Thomson guitar
  2. Angus Forsyth mandolin
  3. Cath Montgomery fiddle
  4. Gareth Wells mandolin
  5. Gerry Hastie mandolin
  6. Gus Millar mandolin
  7. Ian Elder concertina
  8. Isla Browning fiddle
  9. Jane Culpan melodeon
  10. Janet Mundy mandolin
  11. John Culbert mandolin
  12. John Glynn
  13. Maggie Thomson fiddle
  14. Malcolm Winter
  15. Michele Purves
  16. Moira Dunworth fiddle
  17. Peter Beaven mandola
  18. Ruth Hannah melodeon
  19. Thal Thallon mandolin
  20. Tom Ogston mandolin

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Perthshire |