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 Mixter Maxter
Mixter Maxter 28a -Eddleston

 Mixter Maxter 28a is being held at Eddleston Village Hall near Peebles on Saturday 29th March, and Burntisland, Fife on Saturday 5th April. The theme for the workshop is "The Radical War" to commemorate the workers' uprising in April 1820. The music is available to download now (see the music page), along with MP3s. If you need the music in any other format, let me know.


Coming to Eddleston

The Eddleston workshop is now

  1. Adelheid Cooney flute
  2. Alison Shannon whistle
  3. Allan Sturrock mandolin
  4. Brigid Daniel whistle
  5. Catherine Gifford whistle
  6. Cathy Davidson fiddle
  7. Carole Ross hammer dulcimer
  8. Christine Proudfoot harmonica
  9. Claire Murdoch fiddle
  10. Colin MacLean guitar
  11. Dave Owen guitar
  12. David Williamson whistle
  13. Derek Mullins bouzouki
  14. Derek Shannon mandolin
  15. Diane Mullins flute
  16. Doreen McBarnet whistle
  17. Elaine Armstrong fiddle
  18. George Davidson mandolin
  19. Glen Bramley whistle
  20. Hellen MacPherson fiddle
  21. Iris Howitt whistle
  22. Jill Snowdon ukulele
  23. Joe Alves definitely fiddle
  24. Katrina Morrison whistle
  25. Liz Beevers whistle
  26. Lesley Brown fiddle
  27. Margaret Moir whistle
  28. Margaret Potter fiddle
  29. Marie Elaine Maguire flute
  30. Myles Lobjoie harmonica
  31. Richard Proudfoot guitar
  32. Roger Browne mandolin
  33. Sue Dewar ukulele
  34. Sue Owen fiddle
  35. Tom Benton mandolin
  36. Tom Fernie mandolin
  37. Tom Ogston mandolin
  38. Vicky Pearson whistle

If you wish to pay the balance of the workshop, please visit the payment page.


Tea and coffee will be available during morning and afternoon breaks. For lunch, you should bring a packed lunch which you may eat in the hall, or travel into Peebles for cafes etc.

Zoom Practise Sessions

I'm offering some preparation sessions for anyone who wishes to practise the music. You may attend as many of these as you wish, and each free session lasts 45 minutes, more or less. To see the timetable and to join the session, go to the Zoom Session page.

You might like to bring: • your music; • a music stand; • a pencil.

If you need help with any of these things, (let me know).

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Perthshire |