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Set No. 3-5 slow air
The Burning of Crieff

The Burning of Crieff

This set is part of the following collections:

In January 1716, hundreds of Highlanders heading homewards from the Battle of Sheriffmuir burned most of Crieff to the ground. It was at the height of the first Jacobite rebellions and both sides claimed victory, but it directly led to the failure of the 1715 Jacobite cause. Hearing that a mass of Argyll's men were near Auchterarder, a "scorched earth" policy was begun, and the highlandmen burned the towns of Auchterarder, Blackford and Crieff.

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This tune and others composed by me can be found in Nigel Gatherer's Second Collection, available from my Online Store.

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Perthshire |