Published: Dec 2015
Pages: 20
Tunes: 22
Tunes in GFW 25 Years:
- 2 a.m. Turtle Patrol, The (Alistair McCulloch)
- Andy's Saltire (Amy Geddes)
- Ardkinglas At Last (Amy Geddes)
- East End Hornpipe, The (Nigel Gatherer)
- Elegant Whistler, The (Alan Jones)
- Engineer's Jig, The (Alan Jones)
- George Pert Esq. (Lochmaddy) (Dougie Lawrence)
- GFW Mando Stomp, The (Laura-Beth Salter)
- Gonny Tune Up? (John Carmichael)
- Hamnavoe Man, A (Alistair McCulloch)
- Havelock Nights (Johnny Cradden)
- Hugh Neilson of Oatlands (Finlay Allison)
- Leaving Stow (Katherine MacLeod)
- Loch Indaal (John Malcolm)
- March of the GFW, The (Nigel Gatherer)
- Nigg Rig Jig, The (Finlay Allison)
- One for Charlie (John Carmichael)
- Petite Accordeoniste, La (Alan Jones)
- Rainy Days (Roo Geddes)
- Sue's Tune (Fiona Cuthill)
- Washington Street (Jo Miller)
- Wee Kate Grady's Jig (Celine Donoghue)
In 1990 Jo Miller, then a community education worker, advertised fiddle classes in the Glasgow Art Centre off the Broomielaw. The classes were instantly thriving, and the Glasgow Fiddle Workshop (GFW) grew to be one of a major network of organisations teaching traditional music in Scotland. Since then, the GFW - now the Glasgow Folkmusic Workshop - has welcomed not just fiddlers, but mandolin players, whistlers, guitarists, ukuleles, banjos and bodhrans into their fold.
To celebrate their 25th anniversary, Nigel Gatherer has compiled a collection of new tunes by GFW tutors, current and past, and it is a fitting tribute to a remarkable group of people: the GFW.