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Crieff Community Music
Crieff Community Band
Location St Andrews Halls
Day/Time Friday, 7-9pm
Latest update 9 Jan '25 9pm

Crieff Community Band is a group of amateur local musicians who meet and build up a repertoire of music with the intention, eventually, of performing in the local community.

The emphasis is on Scottish music, but we will add occasional pieces from further afield at times. All musicians are welcome, but you should have a basic grasp of your instrument. If you play smallpipes you should have another instrument as well - e.g. whistle - because not all of our pieces will fit on the bagpipe scale.


The music that we play is arranged in a number of sets each consisting of ten pages of tunes. The tunes we're going to practise each week are given in the schedule below. To access individual tunes or multiple sets, visit the CCB Sets page.

Term B (Jan-Mar 2025)
Date No. Tunes
17/1 B1 Main set:
24/1 -- Cancelled (storm)
31/1 B2 Main set:
7/2 B3 Main set:
Gig Rehearsal
C-1 MacRosty Park • 2-6 Mr & Mrs MacLean • 1-3 St Mary's Polka • S-1 Jeely Piece Song
3-5 The Burning of Crieff • Dave's slot • 4-1 Barren Rocks set • 6-9 Bonny at Morn
3-10 Sound of Sleat • S-2 Niel Gow's Apprentice • 1-8 The Battle's O'er
14/3 B8 Main set: 1-1: Roses of Prince Charlie
Also: 1-5: Edwin Flaws of Wyre1-9: Scottish Waltzes2-1: Irish Jigs (Brennan's)
2-5: Campbelltown Kilty Ball2-8: Tighnabruaich4-6: Strathearn4-10: Hopeful Lover
21/3 B9 Main set: Performance in Large Hall
Setlist: C-1 MacRosty Park • 2-6 Mr & Mrs MacLean • 1-3 St Mary's Polka
3-5 The Burning of Crieff • 4-1 Barren Rocks set • 6-9 Bonny at Morn
3-10 Sound of Sleat • S-2 Niel Gow's Apprentice • 1-8 The Battle's O'er
2-4 The Minstrel Boy • 3-8: The Rowan Tree
28/3 B10 Main set: 4-8: Morag Haig-Thomas
Also: 4-10: Hopeful Lover5-2: McKechnie's Farewell5-5: Westering Home
6-10: Glenside Polkas6-2: East at Glendart5-9: Leaving of Liverpool
Term A (Sep-Dec 2024)
Date No. Tunes
13/9 A1 Main set: 1-1: Roses of Prince Charlie
Also: 1-2: Lindisfarne1-5: Edwin Flaws of Wyre1-7: Of A' the Airts
1-10: The New High Level2-1: Irish Jigs (Brennan's)2-2: The Air Tune
20/9 A2 Main set: 4=4: Highland Cradle Song
Also: 4-6: Strathearn4-3: Black Mtn Air4-7: Scottish Jigs
5-2: McKechnie's Farewell5-9: Leaving of Liverpool6-1: Bonnie Galloway
27/9 A3 Main set: 3-3: Dave's Waltzes
Also: 2-2: The Air Tune2-1: Irish Jigs (Brennan's)2-5: Campbelltown Kilty Ball
2-8: Tighnabruaich2-9: Pride of Erin2-10: Tom Sullivan's Polka
4/10 A4 Main set:
11/10 A5 Main set: C-3: Old Rustic Bridge
Also: C-8: Dashing White SergeantC-13: Bluebells of Scotland6-10: Glenside Polkas
6-5: Rory MacLeod6-1: Bonnie Galloway5-9: Leaving of Liverpool
18/10 A6 Main set: S-17: Ye Jacobites By Name
Also: 2-3: Horsburgh Castle3-2: Bruce's Address3-3: Dave's Waltzes
3-10: Sound of Sleat5-5: Westering HomeC-3: Old Rustic Bridge
25/10 A7 Main set: S-17: Ye Jacobites By Name
Also: 1-8: The Battle's O'er5-2: McKechnie's Farewell5-8: Meeting of the Waters
3-10: Sound of SleatC-12: Fear a Bhata5-3: MacPherson's Lament
1/11 A8
8/11 A9 Main set:
15/11 A10 Main set:
22/11 A11 Main set:
29/11 A12 Main set:
6/12 A13

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Perthshire |