Battlefield Band, The
Long-established supergroup of the Scottish folk scene, the band were
formed in 1969 by Brian McNeill and Alan Reid. The band
has gone through many line-up changes and have recorded a vast number of albums. Some of their recorded output can be seen at their
discography page.
Barnes, Jim & Sylvia After an early stint with a group
called Tinkler Maidgie, the Barneses were involved in a
couple of major influential Scottish groups, namely The Battlefield
Band and Kentigern. They later formed a trio with Andy Lavery called Scotch Measure and then
performed as a duo. Jim Barnes sadly passed away in 2004.
Beaton, Alex Glaswegian Alex Beaton was in the 1960s folksinging group The Cumberland Three with Brian Fogarty and Leonard Sturrock. He has since been performing solo around the world, particularly in the U.S.
Blo Na Gael
A group from Dundee, active in the 1990s. Shirley Potts (fiddle), Helen Forbes (tin whistle), Karen Valentine (guitar, mandolin), Lou Lewis (electric guitar). They were part of recording called Sounds Dundonian released by Dundee
Libraries in 1993. Helen Forbes was also active in the Foundry Bar
A duo from Lewis (I think), Ian Macintosh and Morris Macleod
who sang standard folk fare with some instrumental selections on guitar,
banjo and mandolin. Cassette released on Lewis Recordings (RCS 207, no date).
Bridge Band, The
A group from Dundee, active in the 1990s. Brian McKay (banjo,
mandolin, whistles, bodhran), Mike McKay (fiddle, mandolin,
whistles, bodhran), Sandy Clarke (guitar), Gordon Drummond
(guitar, mandolin).
They were part of recording called Sounds Dundonian released by Dundee
Libraries in 1993 (more information).
Brough, Magnus Shetland fiddler.
More details.
Barty, Alan Celebrated Dundee mandolinist and fiddler, Alan
was, in 1971, considered as a replacement fiddler in
The JSD Band. Alan's first group was
Barty's Bow, formed in Dundee in 1966, after which played in a number
of Tayside groups, such as The Inn Folk, and appeared on television
and radio, and toured with acts such as Tommy Makem & Liam Clancy. He recorded a solo
LP: Barty's Bow (Kettle Records KOP4, 1980), and was rumoured to
have moved to Germany and presented a folk radio programme.
Beggar's Mantle Fife-based duo Bruce Davies and
Bill McArthur performed from 1983 till 1999. See their
Bitter Withy
Andy Ramage, Titch Frier and Lesley Hale. Met in a folk club in Edinburgh in the late 1960s. Recorded one album, "Sampler". Les Honeyman of Perth played for a while with them.
They were defunct by 1972.
Blackeyed Biddy
Lionel McClelland and Kris Koren. Long-stayers in the folk
field, Blackeyed Biddy have recorded a number of albums. See their
discography for further details.
Bob Smith's Ideal Band
Glasgow collection of musicians who recorded extensively during the
Bog Cotton Reel Band, The
Formed in 1990 on the Isle of Coll. Julia Thompson (vocals),
Mike Taylor (fiddle, acoustic guitar), Rodger Mann
(keyboards), Ron Davies (drums, vocals), Patrick Rutherford
(electric guitar, acoustic guitar), and Heather Price (saxophone).
Released a cassette: End of the Road (Mull Recordings, 1991).
Bonnie Scots, The Scottish ex-pats who recorded Scottish folk material in Canada.
Brown, James
Edinburgh melodeon-player who recorded during from 1911.
Buckled Wheels, The
A folk duo made up of Ewan Stark (fiddle) and Callum Wallace (guitar). At other times they are two-thirds of the popular Lomond Ceilidh Band with Alan Small.
Bully Wee Band Popular folk group who recorded from the mid 1970s
till 1980. Discography.