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Improvers Mandolin
Location Online
Tues, 10am
Tues, 6.55pm
Latest update 25 Mar 25 9am

This is an online class in Improvers Mandolin. Participants

should know the basics of the mandolin and have been learning for at least a year. During the course we'll be further developing the techniques necessary to playing the mandolin, increasing our repertoire of tunes, and learning about mandolin music from around the world.

    The class is conducted twice each week, so if you can't make the morning class, you can come to the evening class the same day, and vice versa. You can even attend both if you so wish!

    The fee for the ten-week term is £60.00, or £90.00 for the Improvers class and the Intermediate class). Details of how to pay can be found on the Mandolin Classes payment page.

 Join Class
Meeting ID   881 8622 8218
Password   mandolin
Class Schedule
     Term B (Jan - Mar 2025)
14/1 B1 Short Coated Mary reel
21/1 B2 The Loch Tay Boat Song song air
28/1 B3 Mountain Dew song air
4/2 B4 Harvest Home
The Barren Rocks of Aden
11/2 -- Half Term
18/2 B5 The Toreador Song classical
25/2 B6 Patrick O'Connor's Polka No.2 Irish
4/3 B7 Over the Rainbow movies
11/3 B8 The Wind from the South Irish air
18/3 B9 The Heroes of Longhope slow air
25/3 B10 Scarborough Fair song air
     Term A (Sep - Dec 2024)
3/9 A1 A Scottish Soldier song air
10/9 A2 Kelvingrove song air
17/9 A3 Handel, See the Conquering Hero classical
24/9 A4 Island in the Sun Calypso song
1/10 A5 American Patrol jazz
8/10 A6 The Pearl slow air
15/10 -- Holiday
22/10 A7 Lord of the Dance English song
29/10 A8 Bridge Over Troubled Water pop song
5/11 A9 WU-2: Warm Up Exercises 2 exercises
12/11 A10 Matchstalk Men pop/rock
19/11 A11 Da Fetlar Lullaby song air
26/11 A12 Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella seasonal
3/12 -- Holiday
10/12 -- Holiday
17/12 -- Holiday
24/12 -- Holiday
31/12 -- Holiday

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Perthshire |